CSI Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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YoBlngnSnckrsfan and Adzix, why you were afraid of posting your icons? They are amazing!
I think I'll become a Snickers-Fan soon, too... :)
And Billy -sooo young :D *sighs*
Great work, guys!

(YoBlngnSnckrsfan, the only thing: the size for icons you want to use here as an ava is 100x100 ;) )
aw, thanks so much cinegirl :D i made some more ;)

the rest is here ;)
wow! quoth_the_raven, i love them! amazing job! i wish i had a program to do animated icons ;) what do ya'll use to do them? are there any free programs to download on the net?

19 more here ;)
Thanks Adzix :) I used the Ulead GIF animator and you can download a free trial at download.com :) *my free trial expired, so no more pretty animated icons from me :(* But anyways, it's really easy to use!

And I have a question for you now! :p What fonts do you use for, say, the first Grissom icon? The really tiny ones? :p
thanks for that info quoth_the_raven. appreciate it ;) i'll try and download it :D

i've put a whatever font (i think it's Arial in most cases) but in a size 2 ;) when it's so small the font type doesn't really matter i guess :)

ETA: uhh, wait were you talking about the first one i posted in here, the yellow one (i was talking about it) or about the first one on my blog? cause there i've also put a normal font just bigger size ;)
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