CSI Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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Nice icons everyone. Tuesday, yours are fantastic. Keep it up.

I finally got around to making a few myself.


It´s the first two icons I´ve made. Hope I will soon understand GIMP better to make nicer icons.



btw: How can I get in GIMP text on the picture. I tried it several times, but failed.
Reeble- I snagged Nick with the dead head.
Misery- I snagged three Snickers.
RoosCSILover- I snagged your Snickers.
I will credit when use.

I forgot one more person, Tuesday, I snagged Snickers and Nicks.
it's difficult but with practice you get good at it. use the tool bar click on the T then on the item you want to work on. the colours are at the bottom of the tool bar.
it should pop up with a box that will let you choose both the size of the font & font.
i'm not too good at doing icons on GIMP but i can do art work on it.
here are 2 of my new icons.


billy's says "SOFT"
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