CSI Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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I'm looking for a screen cap of A little murder season 3. I want to be of the screen names they used in that episode. Can anyone help me I've looked at the normal screen cap sites but for some reason that spot in the episode is missed.
my batches are finally done jeah :lol: does happy dance :p
male male and all male ;) hotness!!!

also a second batch with loads of misc
OMG,Martini, You've got me drooling all over my keyboard.
They are all amazing. The coloring is freaking perfect.
I can't believe how good they are. Congrats!
waouh martini.....i just couldnt believe it SOME OF MY FAVOURITE ACTORS!!!!!!!!!!omg i m hyperventilated...i snagged a lot of avies, i can't tell you how many :lol:
abc said:
GrissCathfan said:
abc said: We all use various programs. I use Photoshop Elements 4.0, Paint Shop Pro 8.0 and Photo

I dnt mean 2 be a pest, but how do u create them in Paint Shop Pro 8.0? I can do photos that i hv saved on my computer, but i hv no idea how 2 do a banner! :)

You're not being a pest. ;) Just create a new image. (make it 220x75 for a banner, to comply with talkCSI's rules) then crop the images you want, and then add gradients/color whatever you want. :D

YaY!! im not bein a pest! lol! :lol: thx 4 tellin me that stuff!! :) i tried 2 make sum banners. i made 1 4 me & 1 4 my sis. i think they look alrite, but they could be better! lol!
sissi59100 said:
waouh martini.....i just couldnt believe it SOME OF MY FAVOURITE ACTORS!!!!!!!!!!omg i m hyperventilated...i snagged a lot of avies, i can't tell you how many :lol:
Same!!! Actually I didnt snag that many-Im very pleased!!! But WO£W rock on how cool!
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