CSI Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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the rest are here...
I was wondering if someone could make me an icon that had a clip from No More Bets in it..its the clip where it shows the front of the car and then Grissom spraying something on it. And then it having saying Pimp My Ride: Las Vegas
or something along the lines of that. :D please and thanks :)

oh and btw nice icons madgeorge
I love all of your icons.
I made a few, but my icon making skills could use some work.

Sandles of course.

Only 3 images per post - mod.
Arturtle said:
CSIVegasMiamiNY said:
I was wondering if any of you have any spare time could you make me an avvie with either of these pics:
The bottem one would proberly be easier as its only two of them. If not dont worry I can try to make it myself its just last time it went horribly wrong!

im gonna do a quick one before i go to bed.Its not the best but hope you like it ;)
WOW thats soo cool thank you!!!

Please don't quote the icons - mod.
abc said: We all use various programs. I use Photoshop Elements 4.0, Paint Shop Pro 8.0 and Photo Impact 8.0 :D

I dnt mean 2 be a pest, but how do u create them in Paint Shop Pro 8.0? I can do photos that i hv saved on my computer, but i hv no idea how 2 do a banner! :)
GrissCathfan said:
abc said: We all use various programs. I use Photoshop Elements 4.0, Paint Shop Pro 8.0 and Photo Impact 8.0 :D

I dnt mean 2 be a pest, but how do u create them in Paint Shop Pro 8.0? I can do photos that i hv saved on my computer, but i hv no idea how 2 do a banner! :)

You're not being a pest. ;) Just create a new image. (make it 220x75 for a banner, to comply with talkCSI's rules) then crop the images you want, and then add gradients/color whatever you want. :D
WOW! Awesome avvies everyone! Y'all are so talented! :D

play with fire ...I love your style! You think you could make me a catherine and grissom avvie? If not its all good.. keep us the great work! :)
I am requesting an animated icon.
It needs-
Any Cap with Grissom and Sara
A sinking ship with GSR written on it
On the cap with Grissom/Sara there needs to be the writting "Some people just weren't meant to be together"
and then a blank section between that cap and the ship saying Loose Lips Sink Ships.

I know that is probably going to be a hard one, but that idea popped into my head, I tried making it and it didn't work. You guys are all really talented, I bet one of you could manage it.
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