CSI Icon Challenge - Detectives - Winners!

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Re: CSI Icon Challenge- "Changes"

Thanks for all the votes, everyone. I was going to close the voting yesterday but had some trouble connecting... so I'll give you all a bit more time and close it in about an hour or two... get those votes in now!
Re: CSI Icon Challenge- "Changes"

Results are in (connection was also gone yesterday and I had a tournament, sorry it had to wait until today)

Icon Challenge- Fear- Results!


by that_girl1

by Twiztid4Togo

by bumble_bee89


by Andreina

by LivingEnd

by CSI_Kat

Congrats everyone! The icons were amazing and you all did wonderfully. The voting was very close, and just about every icon got votes. :) Thanks for everyone who entered/voted.

I've been increasingly busy over the past few months due to starting high school- I find that I'm putting the voting up late, results take me forever, and it's not fair to you guys for me to keep you all waiting. I'd love to be able to run the challenge and I've enjoyed doing it for as long as I have been, but it's just impossible for me to continue and run it efficiantly. I'm handing the wheel to ILuvJonathanTogo, who I trust will do a great job. :) Thank you everyone for letting me run it for this long, and I hope I'll be back someday. You're all talented artists- keep it up! :D
Re: CSI Icon Challenge- "Changes"

Awesome!! Thanks to everyone who voted for me and congrats to the other winners as well! Lilly its sad to see you go but of course real life has to be evil and take you away.
Re: CSI Icon Challenge- "Changes"

Well done to all the winners! :D

Sad to see your having to stop doing the challenges cainesugar but glad to see ILuvJonathanTogo is carrying it on! :D
Re: CSI Icon Challenge- "Changes"

Congrats to the winners! Great work :)

Lilly, sorry to see you go, you've done a great job. ILuvJonathonTogo, I'm sure you'll be just as great :)
Re: CSI Icon Challenge- "Changes"

Congrats to the winners! Well deserved! :) The icons are fantastic!

Lilly, I am sad to see you leave, but of course I understand. THanks for putting up those great challenges and hope to see you back soon. Good luck with school! :)

ILJT, looking forward to your upcoming challenges. I am sure you will be a very proper replacement, dear. :)
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