CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

i love the winter!!!! :lol: most of the time sometimes not because of the frozen streets ;) a white christmas(what's not goinh to happen this year i think) i hate the summer, i don't like the heat and all that stuff
I like summer better too, but what I like about the winter is being inside. You hear the wind blowing very hard, and hear and see it pouring outside, but you are warm inside curled up on the sofa. Wonderful felling. I also love Christmas. Really enjoying Christams eve, especially with the Strictly Come Dancing Christmas special on.
Hmm. Winter is okay. I don't like summer clothes, I feel uncomfy wearing them, so wearing winter clothes is a big plus.

Lucky pebl! I'm sooo busy with school atm. I have two tests tomorrow (testweek), ANW & Dutch.. ANW is 52 pages.. Dutch isn't that much. Nah, I'm done studying now.
Good luck MissRoosFox !
I have an economy/economics exam friday, about 8 chapters...
Actually it's a resit because I had a 5.5 and I want a better grade :p.
gefeliciteerd Sarastar.. I hope you have a nice day..

About the winter i prefer the autumn more because i love the colours changing and stuff like that..
MissRoosFox said:
Lucky pebl! I'm sooo busy with school atm. I have two tests tomorrow (testweek), ANW & Dutch.. ANW is 52 pages.. Dutch isn't that much. Nah, I'm done studying now.

I always used to HATE ANW! And I never studied for Dutch, didn't bother and got ok grades anyway :p
Thanks Danique and Nathalie! :D

ANW... or just natuurkunde sucks. It's so complicated and I usually don't get a thing of it... I'm so happy I don't have it for a year. Next year we'll start ANW, though. :(
Happy b-day SaraStar

I work at a supermarkt, at the bread department and everyday I have to get stuff out of the freezer. And it's not that warm in the store, so I'm always cold at work in the winter :( In the summer I don't mind offcourse.
The only thing I like about the winter is the fact that I can drink hot Chocomel. I want to drink it in the summer, but thats too hot :p

saras_girlfriend said:
I always used to HATE ANW! And I never studied for Dutch, didn't bother and got ok grades anyway :p
Heh, me too. I'm so glad I'm not in school anymore!
The best meisje is back, lolz. :D
*stares Roos non-stop* *drives her crazy* This is because of the LJ-cut! :D

Happy birthday, SaraStar! :)
Did anyone saw 'NOS Journaal'today?? 'cause that with the fire in a polyesterbedrijf in Emmeloord, was not so far from my house :eek: it was a huge smoke cloud
Nope, der Fernseher was broken. Hehe. I'm in German mood. My German test sucked today. Well, it's weekend anyway. :D But it's working again, I'll take a look.

Hey, Zsó! I'm not regretting it or something.. keep on staring at me! I won't notice anyways.
Deutsch ist supaaah toll. :lol: And yay, it is weekend. Though it's gonna be a very busy weekend for me... I hate school.