CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

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Yay! We made it to our third thread. The title will be changed when we have a poll result. Let's move on from here. :D
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Congrats :D *throws Heineken to everyone*

I think I start to feel way too home in here :p
Re: CSI: Holland #3

New thread! Great job, dutchies! HOLLAND! I just hope they'll win! Why won't you come and move here, ducky? lol
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Yaay, new thread. Congratulations! :D

Okay, as for tomorrow; my brother says, if Holland loses from Portugal they won't be playing at all anymore. So this could be their last game.

I wanna make a poll, cause I love polls: Portugal is a pretty good team. Do you think we stand a chance?
Re: CSI: Holland #3

DaWacko said:
Congrats :D *throws Heineken to everyone*

Uh...*looks around to see if Jayne is anyone near* No, not taking, I'm sure she'll find out sooner or later, and I don't wanna piss Jayne off. :p (not to mention the fact that I don't like beer ;))

And no problem Ducky, it's nice to have you here. So do feel at home. Oh and I voted: yes. I'm positive lol. :lol:
Re: CSI: Holland #3

I hope we win, but I voted no. My head says something else than my heart :lol:

And for the results of the previous poll: a three-way tie :lol:

So, what's gonna be the new title?

'with orange flavour'
'with the not so AA'
'small country, big thread'

Let's all vote, and if everyone who visits this thread regularly has voted, we will see what has the most votes, okay? :D

I vote: CSI: Holland #3 'small country, big thread'
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Well, I don't post that much in this thread, but I read it everyday, so I guess I'm allowed to vote...

I vote: CSI: Holland #3 'with the not so AA'
(It's just too funny!)
Re: CSI: Holland #3

I like the first two :D
Oooh..me has to show tomorrow what did I buy today :p
Re: CSI: Holland #3

I miss my "DaWacko's home" :+ or something similair :p

I went on my bike a few hours back and made a small tour... Made some great shots with this amazing sky during the sunset!

(i like to make some scenery photos with my digital slr camera!)
Re: CSI: Holland #3

1. YAY for new home!!!
2. *catches Heineken* Thanks Ducky :D
3. I voted 'yes', because I'm an optimist
4. I like the orange-thread-title-thingy
and 5. You're so wrong there, Dave! Amstel is utterly UGH! Grolsch rocks (it's from the east and tastes nice) but Heineken rules :D
Re: CSI: Holland #3

Yay! Got my orange stuff finally!

Shirt and cap
shirt back

Those should have been bit darker but don't care :D

The Poll seems to be tie in old thread so... do we go with the orange flavour or...?
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