CSI: Hangman #9

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C1: - --t t-e --ne-.
C2: -r-- --ere?
C1: --ere -- --- t--n-?
C2: C-t-er-ne -- t-e -ress --n-s --t ----t t--s -t'-- ---- ---e S-- -r--n -r--e- t-e ---.
C1: -e'- - c-s-n- --ner. - -e--er -- -n--str-. Ne-er c-n---te- -- -n- cr--e. -n- r---- n-- - --n't --re ----t t-e -nte-r-t- -- t-e --- -t t-e ---ent. - c-re ----t N-c-.

Letters guessed:
C, E, N, R, S, T

C1: I --t the --ne-.
C2: -r-- -here?
C1: -here -- --- thin-?
C2: Catherine i- the -ress -in-s --t a---t this it'-- ---- -i-e Sa- -ra-n -ri-e- the -a-.
C1: He'- a casin- --ner. A -ea-er -- in--str-. Ne-er c-n-i-te- -- an- cri-e. An- ri--h- n-- I --n't care a---t the inte-rit- -- the -a- at the ---ent. I care a---t Nic-.

Letters guessed:
A, C, E, H, I, N, R, S, T
Catherine: I got the money.
Grissom: From where?
Catherine: Where do you think?
Grissom: Catherine, if the press finds out about this it'll look like Sam Braun bribed the lab.
Catherine: He's a casino owner. A leader of industry. Never convicted of any crime. And right now I don't care about the intregity of the lab at the moment. I care about Nick.

From Grave Danger :)
:lol: I thought someone would have gotten it by now.


C1: I g-t the --ne-.
C2: -r-- -here?
C1: -here -- --- think?
C2: Catherine i- the -ress -in-s --t a---t this it'll l--k like Sa- -ra-n -ri-e- the la-.
C1: He'- a casin- --ner. A lea-er -- in--str-. Ne-er c-n-i-te- -- an- cri-e. An- rig-h- n-- I --n't care a---t the integrit- -- the la- at the ---ent. I care a---t Nic-.

Letters guessed:
A, C, E, G, H, I, K, L, N, R, S, T
Catherine: I got the money.
Grissom: from where?
Catherine: where do you think?
Grissom: Catherine if the press finds out about this it'll look like Sam Braun bribed the lab.
Catherine: He's a casino owner. A leader of indestry. Never convictedf of any crime. And right now I don't care about the integrity of the lab at the moment. I care about Nick.

Grave Danger
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