CSI: Hangman #9

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Sorry, I forgot to check... been pretty busy lately. Here is the new quote, it's from CSI NY.

x: --- -- ---- -- --- ---------? ------ ------?
y: - -----. ----- ---- -- ---- ----- -----.
x: ----- ----- ---- --- -------, -----?
y: ----.
x: ----'- ---- --- ---- -- ------ -- ---------?
y: -- ---- -- ----- -- ---- --- ---- -- --- -----. --- --'-- ------ -- ------ ----.

Good luck everybody!!
Here is the update:

x: --- -- ---- -n --- ---------? ------ --n---?
y: - --nn-. ----- --n- -- ---- ----- -----.
x: ----- ----- ---- --- --n----, -----?
y: ----.
x: ---n'- ---- g-- ---- -- -----n -- -------n-?
y: -- ---- -- ----- -- ---- -n- ---n -- g-- -----. --- --'-- ----ng -- f--g-- ----.

Guessed: F N G
Here is the update. Very good guesses in this round!

x: --- -- t-at -n t-- -a----a--? ----e- -ant-e?
y: - --nn-. ----- --n- -- ---e -e-e- -ete-.
x: -e-e- -ete- ---- --e -an-ee-, ----t?
y: -ea-.
x: ---n't t-e- ge- -eat -- ---t-n -- ---et--n-?
y: -e -e-e -- t--ee t- -e-- -n- t-en -e g-- --e-t. --- -e'-e t---ng t- f--get t-at.

Guessed: F N G A T E
There you go:

x: -h- -s that -n th- -ash--ar-? ----e- -ant-e?
y: - --nn-. ----s --n- -- ---e -ere- -eter.
x: -ere- -eter -r-- --e -an-ees, r--ht?
y: -eah.
x: ---n't the- ge- -eat -- --st-n -- s--eth-n-?
y: -e -ere -- three t- -er- -n- then -e g-- s-e-t. --- -e're tr--ng t- f-rget that.

Guessed: F N G A T E H R S
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