CSI: Hangman #9

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From CSI:Miami

C1:So-e-od- -anted to -a-e s-re he sa- so-eth-n-.
C2: Or -ased on the da-a-e to h-s ret-na...
C1: sa- noth-n-.

No C or L.

Letters used: O T A L C N E P R H S D
Horatio:Somebody wanted to make sure he saw something.
Alexx: Or based on the damage to his retina...
Horatio: saw nothing.

Am I right?
Yay! *dances*

From CSI: LV

C1: --- ----, ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------------ --- ---- -------- -----. ---- ----- ---- --------- ---------.
C2: ---- ---- --------?

Good luck!

C1: --- ----, ----- -a-- -a-- ---- ---- --------a--- --- ---- -----a-- --a--. ---- ----- -a-- ----a---- ---------.
C2: ---- ---- --------?
- No more than 3 letter guesses should be requested before each update. This makes it easier for the person updating the quote, and helps to maintain an even pace for the game

Can I have an E please?
C1: --- ----, ----e -a-e -a-- ---- -ee- ---e----a-e- --- ---- -----a-- -ea--. --e- ----- -a-e --e-a---- ---------.
C2: ---- ---- --------?

that_girl1 wanted to tell you with that quote that you should wait with your update until 3 letters have been guessed. :) although i have to say that rule doesn't really say it. but we agreed some time ago that it would be better to update after three letter guesses cause this slows the game down a bit.

anyways...i would like a T please.
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