CSI: Hangman #8

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Okay here we are

C1: --- d- rea--se that he has --n the -east a---nt -- races -n the c-rc--t?
C2: D-dn't -n-- and d-n't ca-e!
C1: D-es ---r h-s-and -n-- a---t th-s?
C2: -e ha-e a ---- d-n't t--ch r--e.

Letters guessed so far..

A, C, D, E, H, N, R, S, T.
Oh I know this one:

Speedle: You do realise that he has won the least amount of races in the circut?
Alex: Didn't know and don't care!
Speedle: Does your husband know about this?
Alex: We have a look don't touch rule.

'Grand Prix' CSI Miami.
Ok, here it goes:

C.S.I. L.V.:

C1: ----, ----... --- ----- -- ---- ---- ------- --- -- ---- ----- ----, --- ------- -- ------ ----? ---- -------- -- ------ ---?
C2: ---- -- ------ ---?
C.S.I. L.V.:
C1: ----, -e--... --e -e--- -- ---e ---- -e---n- --- -n ---e -e--- ----, --- -----n- -n -n---- ----? -e--- ----e-e- ----ene- -- n----- -e-?
C2: ---- -- n----- -e-?

Letters so far: n,e
As you wish... ;)

C.S.I. L.V.:

C1: ----, -ell... --e -e--- -- s--e ---s -ett-n- --- -n s--e -e--- ---s, --t -----n- -n -n---l s--t? -ell ---te-e- ----ene- t- n----l se-?
C2: ---t -s n----l se-?

Letters so far: E, L, N, S, T
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