CSI: Hangman #8

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P please :)

Please can you wait until 3 people have requested letters before updating the quote. It helps to slow the game down a little. ;)
interessting guesses :D

Miami quote:

character 1: "--t---e- -e- --r-."
character 2: "Appre--ate -t."
character 1: "-ete-t--e Ta---r -e--- his re-ar-- ... ---er- --- -er---e-."
character 2: "-a-'- a ---- -a-."
character 1: "- ----re- ---'- -a- t-at. -'-- te-- --- to ---e ----."

Guessed: A, E, P, R, T
C1: Notified New York"
C2: Appriciate it".
C1: Detective Taylor sends his regards... Offers his services".
C2: Mac's a good man.
C1: I figured you'd say that. I'll tell him to come down.

Felony Flight: "H" and Frank

Someone who hasn't had a turn in a while may take mine :lol:
luvingmyHoratio said:
C1: Notified New York"
C2: Appriciate it".
C1: Detective Taylor sends his regards... Offers his services".
C2: Mac's a good man.
C1: I figured you'd say that. I'll tell him to come down.

Not as fast guys!
- quote = right
- episode = w-r-o-n-g! sry :eek:
- characters = right

still lacking
- episode (and season)

Please solve episode and season, before posting a new quote
I´m indeed - unless my source is right. :)

We´re not used to guessing seasons here. However we did so in previous threads from time to time. So, I risk insisting on my season. :D
I am pretty sure that the quote is from Felony Flight, because in another thread I posted that same quote!
So it is very likely that the quote is from that episode.

And I think it can't hurt to give the season too ;)
I really enjoy playing this game :), but it does tend to confuse me when the rules are changed.

Either way Someone may take my turn :) Season4
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