CSI: Hangman #7

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Since there can't be anymore guesses, I'm gonna ask which show it's from. :)

OMG, its 2 in the morning.... I should go to bed... *goes to bed* :p

This quote is from the Las Vegas show. (good night!)

C1: ---'-e ----- -- -a-e -- -- -a--e--, L-e--e-a--. --e --e-e -a--'- -ee- -elea-e- -e-. --- ----, ---- -a- -e a -a--a---- -- a- -l- -a---e A-e---a- ---- -- -------e--. --e ---- -a- ----- a-- ----e- -- -- --- -e--. --ee -a- -a- ----e- --e- --e -ea- -- a---a-- a---.
C2: -------e-- --- --a-?
C1: --- -ee? --a-'- a ---- --e-----.

Guessed letters: L, E, A

Sorry, I made an error with the dashes so I fixed it.
Very easy now. :) Those were all great guesses!

C1: ---'-e --in- -- -a-e -- -- pa-ien-, L-ei-enan-. --e --ene -a-n'- -een -elea-e- -e-. --- -n--, --i- -a- -e a -a-ia-i-n -n an -l- Na-i-e A-e-i-an ---- -- p-ni---en-. --e ---- -a- ---n- an- ---ie- -p -- i-- ne--. --ee -ap -a- p---e- --e- --e -ea- -- a---a-- an--.
C2: P-ni---en- --- --a-?
C1: --- -ee? --a-'- a ---- --e--i-n.

Guessed letters: L, E, A, P, I, N (That's funny :lol:)
C1: ---'-e --in- t- -ave t- b- patient, Lie-tenant. T-e --ene -a-n't been -elea-e- -et. --- -n--, t-i- -a- be a va-iati-n -n an -l- Native A-e-i-an ---- -- p-ni---ent. T-e b--- -a- b--n- an- b--ie- -p t- it- ne--. T--ee -ap -a- p---e- --e- t-e -ea- t- att-a-t ant-.
C2: P-ni---ent --- --at?
C1: --- -ee? T-at'- a ---- --e-ti-n.

Guessed letters: L, E, A, P, I, N, T, V, B
C1: -o-'-e -oin- to -ave to be patient, Lie-tenant. T-e --ene -a-n't been -elea-e- -et. -o- -no-, t-i- -a- be a va-iation on an ol- Native A-e-i-an -o-- o- p-ni---ent. T-e bo-- -a- bo-n- an- b--ie- -p t- it- ne--. T--ee -ap -a- po--e- o-e- t-e -ea- t- att-a-t ant-.
C2: P-ni---ent -o- --at?
C1: -o- -ee? T-at'- a -oo- --e-tion.

Guessed letters: L, E, A, P, I, N, T, V, B, O
C1: -o-'-e -oin- to have to be patient, Lie-tenant. The --ene ha-n't been -elea-e- -et. -o- -no-, thi- -a- be a va-iation on an ol- Native A-e-i-an -o-- o- p-ni-h-ent. The bo-- -a- bo-n- an- b--ie- -p t- it- ne--. T--ee -ap -a- po--e- o-e- the hea- t- att-a-t ant-.
C2: P-ni-h-ent -o- -hat?
C1: -o- -ee? That'- a -oo- --e-tion.

Guessed letters: L, E, A, P, I, N, T, V, B, O, H
i got it! i couldn't resist, it was so obvious now and my hands were faster than i wanted them to be ;)

Grissom: You're going to have to be patient, Lieutenant. The scene hasn't been released yet. You know, this may be a variation on an old native American form of punishment. The body was bound and buried up to its neck. Tree sap was poured over the head to attract ants.
Alan Brooks: Punishment for what?
Grissom: You see? That's a good question.

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