CSI: Hangman #7

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sure Stoky

C1: ----- ---- ------- -t----- -- h---- ----. --- -h-t --- th- --- -------?
C2: ---- ---t-, - th---.
C1: Th-t'- - ----- ----t.
C2: -h... - -.-. T--'- ------- ------.
C1: H--?
C2: - --- -h-- th- --t--t-... --- - ---- -----.

guessed letters: H,T
C1: ----- -i-e ---e--e -te--e- i- h---e ----. --- wh-t w-- the -i- we--i--?
C2: W--- ---t-, I thi--.
C1: Th-t'- - ----- --i-t.
C2: -h... - -.-. T--'- --i-i-- ----e-.
C1: H--?
C2: - --- -h-- the --t-et-... --- I -e-- ----e.

guessed letters: H,T,W,E,I
C1: ----s -i-e s--e--e ste--e- i- h--se --a-. A-- what was the -i- wea-i--?
C2: W--- ---ts, I thi--.
C1: That's a ----- --i-t.
C2: -h... a -.-. T--'s --i-i-- --a-e-.
C1: H--?
C2: - -a- sh-- the --t-ets... --- I -ea- ----e.

guessed letters: H,T,W,E,I,A,S
C1: ----s -i-e s--e-ne ste--ed in h--se --a-. And what was the -i- wea-in-?
C2: W--- ---ts, I thin-.
C1: That's a --n-- --int.
C2: -h... a -.-. T-d's d-i-in- --a-e-.
C1: H--?
C2: - -a- sh-- the --t-ets... --- I -ead ----e.

guessed letters: H,T,W,E,I,A,S,D,N
C1: ----s -i-e s--e-ne ste--ed in h--se --a-. And what was the -i- wea-ing?
C2: W--- ---ts, I thin-.
C1: That's a --n-- --int.
C2: -h... a -.-. T-d's d-i-ing --a-e-.
C1: H--?
C2: - -a- sh-- the --t-ets... --- I -ead --g-e.

guessed letters: H,T,W,E,I,A,S,D,N,G
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