CSI: Hangman #4

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CH I: Hey. Are yo- -a-in- a -a-e? what's the hol- -- on my -i--s?

CH II: -ro-ess. --st -e-a-se yo- -ot -asse- o-er, -on't ta-e it o-t on me.
CH I: Hey. Are you -akin- a -ake? what's the hol- up on my pi--s?

CH II: Pro-ess. -ust -e-ause you -ot passe- o-er, -on't take it out on me.
CH I: Hey. Are you -akin- a cake? what's the hol- up on my pi--s?

CH II: Process. -ust -ecause you -ot passe- o-er, -on't take it out on me.


Nobody ready to take a guess yet? It's almost done already...
CH I: Hey. Are you -akin- a cake? what's the hold up on my pi--s?

CH II: Process. -ust -ecause you -ot passed o-er, don't take it out on me.

And T has already been taken.
CH I: Hey. Are you -aking a cake? what's the hold up on my pi--s?

CH II: Process. -ust -ecause you got passed o-er, don't take it out on me.
Sara: Hey. Are you baking a cake? what's the hold up on my pills?

Greg: Process. Just because you got passed over, don't take it out on me.

The episode is "Ellie"
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