CSI: Hangman #4

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Here you go :)


C1: S-, a-- ---- w-t- t-e ----- a-- -a-- sa---e- - -a-e ---?
C2: ---‘- --s--t -e. ---- -s ---- --- t--se w-t---t s----.
C1: S---e- ---e a -a- w--‘s -e-e- --t t-e -a----t.
C2: Sa-, --t t--e.

Letters guessed: E, T, A, W, S

C1: So, an- ---- w-t- t-e --oo- an- -a-- sa---e- - -a-e -o-?
C2: -on‘- -ns--t -e. ---- -s on-- -o- t-ose w-t-o-t s----.
C1: S-o-en ---e a -an w-o‘s ne-e- --t t-e -a---ot.
C2: Sa-, --t t--e.

Letters guessed: E, T, A, W, S, O, N

Catherine: So, any luck with the blood and hair samples I gave you?
Greg: Don't insult me. Luck is only for those without skill.
Catherine: Spoken like a man who's never hit the jackpot.
Greg: Sad, but true.

Do I need to name the ep as well? Cuz I'm not so sure about that...
BTW: Happy B-day, Maaike :)
CH I: ---. --- --- ------ - ----? ----'- --- ---- -- -- -- -----?

CH II: -------. ---- ------- --- --- ------ ----, ---'- ---- -- --- -- --.
CH I: -e-. --e --- ------ - ---e? ----'- --e ---- -- -- -- -----?

CH II: ----e--. ---- -e----e --- --- ----e- --e-, ---'- ---e -- --- -- -e.
CH I: -e-. --e --- ------ - ---e? ---t'- t-e ---- -- -- -- -----?

CH II: ----e--. ---t -e----e --- --t ----e- --e-, ---'t t--e -t --t -- -e.
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