That's correct,
Now only the Vegas and New York ones left.
C1: -hat are -o- so a-rai- o-, -onra-? -e're --st a -o-ple o- s-ien-e -ee-s. -h- can't -e -or- to-ether?
C2: No, -e are p--lic ser-ants. -e in-esti-ate cases as e--icientl- as -e can an- then -e mo-e on. -e're not a -learin-ho-se -or -e-en-ants on the e-e o- trial -ho -on't li-e -hat -e'-e t-rne- -p.
C1: -es, -e are, i- it's o-r mista-e that p-t them there.
C2: -ine. Spin -o-r -heels.
New York:
C1: -o-'re -onna ha-e to -o more than stare at it.
C2: I'm -aitin- -or it to tal- to me.
C1: Ah, then -o- mi-ht -anna --- it a -rin- -irst.
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