CSI: Hangman #4

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can i go, since Lizzy doesn't appear to be around? well, i'm gonna go anywayz, sorry Lizzy.

Las Vegas Quote:

Character 1: -/----/----/-----/
Character 2: -/-------/---'-/-----/---!

Pretty simple, oh well.
Erm, well it's always been here (before I made mod), so...don't really know. Unless as it's a game, it can just as well stay here :p
Now it would be silly to bother Baba with this game. BUt as wibbsy said, it has always been here. And I guess this is better plce to have games than CSI related forums ;)
Sorry, i'm only just updating. got a new comp, took a while to get the net up and running.

Character 1: I/----/-o--/-a--s
Character 2: I/--o----/-o-'-/-----/-s-!

Character 1: I/nee-/-o--/-an-s
Character 2: I/--o----/-o-'-/ne-e-/-s-!

Going now, i'll update in the morning, hopefully. Feel free to guess tho.
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