CSI: Hangman #4

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Las Vegas Quote.

Character 1: --ht -- --- t-i--.
Character 2: --, -e's --i--. t-at's --- I t--- t-is ---, I -a- a--a-s te-- --e- --ite-'s ta--i-- --t -- -is ass. It's a -i-t.

Used Letters: S,A,E,I,R,T
Character 1: -hat -o -o- thi--.
Character 2: Oh, he's --i--. That's -h- I too- this -o-, I -a- a--a-s te-- -he- -hite-'s ta--i-- o-t o- his ass. It's a -i-t.

Used Letters: S,A,E,I,R,T,H,O.
Las Vegas Quote.

Character 1: What -o -o- thin-.
Character 2: Oh, he's --in-. That's wh- I too- this -o-, I can a-wa-s te-- when white-'s ta--in- o-t o- his ass. It's a -i-t.

Used Letters: S,A,E,I,R,T,H,O,W,N,C

Should be pretty easy now :)
Catherine WIllows: What do you think?
Warrick Brown: Oh, he's lying. That's why I took this job, I can always tell when Whitey's talking out his ass. It's a gift.

I don't remember that quote at all :confused: *worried* and I thought I knew CSI so well :lol: Which episode is that from may I ask?
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