CSI: Hangman #11

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C1: I -ee- --- t- r--- -- ---r --ee-e a-- -i-e -e a -i-t -- ---r -----.
C2: -hat --r?
C1: It'- ---t--ar- --r a-- -e- hire-.
C2: -h-?
C1: -- -a-- rea----...
C3: -here'- --- -et the -----?
C1: The -e- -ir-. -a-t t- ---ate?
C3: He-- --.

Letters Guessed:
A, E, H, I, R, T

C1: I -ee- -o- to roll -- -o-r slee-e a-- -i-e -e a -i-t o- -o-r -loo-.
C2: -hat -or?
C1: It's --sto-ar- -or all -e- hires.
C2: -h-?
C1: So -a-- reaso-s...
C3: -here'- -o- -et the -loo-?
C1: The -e- -irl. -a-t to -o-ate?
C3: Hell -o.

Letters Guessed:
A, E, H, I, L, O, R, S, T
Grissom: I need you to roll up your sleeve and give me a pint of your blood
Holly Gribbs: What for?
Grissom: It's customary for all new hires.
Holly Gribbs: Why?
Grissom: So many reasons...
Warrick: Where'd you get the blood?
Grissom: The new girl. Want to donate?
Warrick: Hell no.

The Pilot

Although the original lines are slightly different :p
That's correct :)

Although the original lines are slightly different
When I started, I looked the quote up, and found two different versions. I didn't know which one was right, so I just picked one :lol:
^ And you picked the wrong one! That's awesome! :lol: I am so bad with 50-50 choices myself!!! :D

Okay, so I think it's Miami for me isn't it?

C1: --- ------- -------- --- -------- ------ ----------- --- -------- -----, ------- -- -----.
C2: --- ----'- ---- ---- --- -----. ----'- -------.
C1: - ----- --'- --- ----- ----- -- ------- --.

C1: T-- -a---t- -------- t-- -n---t-- t----- ------n--n- t-- -nt-an-- ---n-, -----n- -t ---an.
C2: An- t-at'- --at ---t --- a----. T-at'- a-a--n-.
C1: - t--n- --'- --- -t--- ----- t- ------- -t.

guessed letters: T,A,N
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