CSI: Hangman #11

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From NY:

C1: I --t --i--r-s c----cti-- t--i c-ec- p-i-ts t-r------t t-e -i-e --rr-ws, ---ers -istri--te- t- -ispatc-ers, a-- ---tp--ts -- -ri--es a--
---rpasses, i- case -e -eci-es t- ---p a--t-er -icti-.
C2: -a--e we -ee- t- -se t-e -e-ia. T-e- a-rea-- ---w we're ----i-- --- - -e---w ca- ri--e- t- a---w car--- -----i-e -- ---w i-t- t-e passe--er
c--part-e-t. Te-- t-e- a---t t-e -isa--e- rear ---r --c-s a-- t-e t-r- passe--er -i-- -- ri--ts stic-er --t ---'t -e-ti-- t-e -ar-s -e -ea-es
-- t-e -ac- -- t-e -icti-s' -ec-s.
C1: --- --t it. -e-, w-at a---t t-e tarps -e wraps t-e -ics i-? A-- -ea-s -- t-at -et?
C2: ---'re ----a start ri-i-- -- ass --w t--?

Letters guessed: E, S, C, W, T, I, P, R, A
From NY:

C1: I --t -ni--r-s c-nd-ctin- t--i chec- p-i-ts thr---h--t the -i-e --rr-ws, ---ers -istri--te- t- -ispatchers, and ---tp--ts -n -rid-es and ---rpasses, in case he decides t- d--p an-ther -icti-.
C2: -a--e we need t- -se the -edia. The- a-read- -n-w we're ----in- --- a -e---w ca- ri--ed t- a---w car--n --n--ide -- ---w int- t-e passen-er c--part-ent. Te-- the- a---t the disa--e- rear ---r --c-s an- the t-rn passen-er -i-- -- ri-hts stic-er --t d-n't -enti-n the -ar-s he -ea-es -n the -ac- -- the -icti-s' nec-s.
C1: --- --t it. He-, what a---t the tarps he wraps the -ics in? An- -eads -n that -et?
C2: ---'re --nna start ridin- -- ass n-w t--?

Letters guessed: E, S, C, W, T, I, P, R, A, H, N, D
I've got it except for one word :lol:

Stella: I got uniforms conducting taxi check points throughout the five burrows, flyers distributed to dispatchers, and ---tp--ts on bridges and overpasses, in case he decides to drop another victim.
Mac: Maybe we need to use the media. They already know we're looking for a yellow cab rigged to allow carbon monoxide to flow into the passenger compartment. Tell them about the disabled rear door locks and the torn passenger bill of rights sticker but don't mention the mark he leaves on the back of the victims' necks.
Stella: You got it. Hey, what about the tarps he wraps the vics in? Any leads on that yet?
Mac: You're gonna start riding my ass now too?

Ah, the closest I could get was footprints but that didn't make sense :lol:

Alright, Vegas then:

C1: - ---- --- -- ---- -- ---- ------ --- ---- -- - ---- -- ---- -----.
C2: ---- ---?
C1: --'- --------- --- --- --- -----.
C2: ---?
C1: -- ---- -------...
C3: -----'- --- --- --- -----?
C1: --- --- ----. ---- -- ------?
C3: ---- --.

C1: - -ee- --- t- ---- -- ---- --ee-e a-- ---e -e a ---t -- ---- -----.
C2: --at ---?
C1: -t'- ---t--a-- --- a-- -e- ---e-.
C2: ---?
C1: -- -a-- -ea----...
C3: --e-e'- --- -et t-e -----?
C1: T-e -e- ----. -a-t t- ---ate?
C3: -e-- --.

Letters Guessed:
A, E, T
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