CSI: Hangman #10

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C1: See-s --- an- Ta---r --- a -na-- --r -irin- -i-- te-- -ee-s -it- a pen--ant --r ----itti-- -e--nies.
C2: --- d-n‘t -e step --tside -randpa, I‘-- s--- --- --at -i-- -- a -ee- I a-.

Letters used : T,E,A,R,S,I,D,N,P
Ok I got it ;).....

C1: Seems you and Taylor got a knack for hiring high tech geeks with a penchant for committing felonies.
C2: Why don‘t we step outside grandpa, I‘ll show you what kind of a geek I am.

Gerrard and Danny in Raising Shane!
Ok sorry guess I think we'll have to go for another CSI NY one but I've got a longer one for you :)

C1: -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- ---?

C2: ----'- ----?

C1: ---- ---- ---- ------ ----- ------ ---- ----

C2: - ----- ---- ----- -- --- ----- --- ----- ---- - --- ---- -----

C1: --- -- ---- ----- ----?

C2: ---'- ---- -- -----!
C1: -- -- -- ---e --a- --ey -ay?

C2: --a-'- --a-?

C1: --a- y--- ---e -a--e- ----- -e---e y--- e-e-

C2: - ----- ---y ----- -- --e ----- --e ----e ---e - -a- ---- --e-e

C1: -a- -- y--- ----- ----?

C2: ---'- -a-e -e -a---!

Letters: E/Y/A
C1: -- -- -- -r-e --a- --ey -ay?

C2: --a-'- --a-?

C1: --a- y--r l--e -a--e- r---- -e--re y--r e-e-

C2: - ---l- --ly ----- -- --e ----- --e ---le ---e - -a- ---- --ere

C1: -a- -- y--r --r-- ----?

C2: ---'- ma-e me la---!

Letters: E/Y/A/L/R/M
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