CSI Dreams

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Oh oh oh! This was awhile ago, but it was totally CSI.

So, the team was at a diner, and Catherine and Gil were walking out of the parking lot and they suddenly stopped and started making out against a car. I swear it was so hot.

Another one I had more recently was that I came home one day and the MCSK was in my house, and I had to hide in my kitchen from him... but I was paranoid he was hiding in the cupboards or something. o_O Don't ask... Heh.
Oh, I watch CSI too much!

I was in an interrogatian room, and they played 'Who are You' over and over and over. It was kind of annoying. Then it stopped, and this band came through the door and started singing 'Who are You' again.. :lol: It was probably one of the most funny dreams I've ever had.
I had a dream I was watching an episode of CSI and it was sorta wild west. Nick, Warrick, Grissom, and Sara were on a train, but they had alter-egos dressed up in western attire on the train. Warrick and Nick and Western Warrick and Western Nick got in a fight on top of the train. And Western Grissom and Sara had tea in the dinner coach. He had a beard though. Lol.
I had a dream a couple weeks ago I woke up scared to death of. It was me, a friend and Grissom in an elevator, he was going to take us to a crime scene, but then I scared him by opening my eyes real fast. It freaked me out, I scared Grissom, OMG!!! I know I;m weird.. I wish I have a good CSI dream everynight before bed, does anyone have any pointers on how to make us have csi dreams??
I know what you mean... Sometimes it's like I WANT to dream about CSI, so I think about it a lot before I go to sleep. So far, though, it hasn't been working. *sigh* Oh well, I'll find a way... :)
i had a dream last night or er...this morning (i sleep in the day) of csi. it wasnt exactly csi centered so i'll uh...leave most of the dream out but grissom was there, the whole dream but all he was doing was sitting there tapping is pen on the table. it finally drove me nuts and i threw a stack of papers at him, then a few minutes later i see him gett up and he throws something that feels like a towel or something right in my face, and it scares the shit out of me so i wake up. and it turns out it was just my sisters cat fell off the back of the couch on onto my face again....man that cat has no balance. lool.
I rewatched Leapin' Lizards and went to bed afterwards and I dreamed that Grissom was part of Star Trek (which is funny because I don't even watch that) he was done investigating an alien murder and said, "Beam me up Nicky!" and that's when the dream ended.
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