I had this one dream where I met Billy and Jorja, but Jorja wouldn't give me a hug. And then Billy didn't know who I was at the end and it was really sad. This is a really bad description, but it took me about ten minutes to tell my friend about the dream in full detail, so that would take too long. Oh yeah, and Billy, Jorja, and I went swimming in a lake, too. My friend made fun of me. She just doesn't get it. Hehe.
Oh, and I had another a while ago and Sara was asking me what I thought about this dress she was wearing, cus she was preparing to go to prom. And it was this poofy old century purple dress. She was asking me while standing in my shower...it was really weird. Grissom helped her pick out the dress, or so she said. I'm still wondering why she was standing in the shower. The water wasn't running or anything...she was just there, in a poofy dress. I must need more sun or something.