CSI Dreams

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CSI Level Two
I was curious and had to ask. Anyone ever had a CSI dream?
I had one a couple nights ago. I was Sara and was processing a scene. Suddenly, I saw these big netal spiders. I smashed a few, but then I came to my senses and called Grissom, who came to my side and bent down to examine them. After a couple minutes, he told me he'd never seen anything like them and pulled me out to be on the safe side.
I think I did once but unfortunately it was NY, not LV. I can't remember if I had a CSI LV one yet or not. But there are a few of the guys who can show up any time they want <G>
i have had ALOT of csi dreams, the good ones get turened into a fanfic but i dont know why but if i concentrate on something all day like a fanfic idea i dream about it and it all turns out good
*Fade to dream sequence*
Minister: Do you, Dynamo1, take this woman, Lady Heather...
:lol: Dynamo, that had to be a heck of a dream :lol: i think i had some CSI dreams, but i don't remeber what they actually were about :(
I dreamt that I was having coffee with Nick and Sara a few months ago... this was when I was under for my surgery. Dumb nurses woke me up before I could get too far into my dream, though!
One time I had sex with Nick. And my parents walked in. I woke up mildly disturbed. Eep.

Another time, I apparently joined the mob and I was all "I'VE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS" and I ran. Grissom stopped me and asked what was wrong and I said, very melodramatically, "I can't tell you, they'll kill you. Or me!*sobs*"

I wake up too early in my CSI dreams.
i had a dream were i was on the lv team and i slept with greg and went out with him but then cheated on him with greg and then went out with warrick and then finally got back together with greg and married him
i had a dream i was a crime lab tech, in the field processing a crime alongside the lv team, to my dismay i did not get veryfar into the dream before waking
csikicksurass said:
i have had ALOT of csi dreams, the good ones get turened into a fanfic but i dont know why but if i concentrate on something all day like a fanfic idea i dream about it and it all turns out good
I'm like that to although alot of My Dreams turn into Snicker RPs not fanfics (i'm not so good at the fanfic writing)
I've written whole episodes in my sleep...I've posted some of my fictitous scenes here and there on various threads. And then there was that recurring WP dream from a few years back that can't be discussed here. Suffice it to say that it involved a can of whipped cream and a grand piano. :D :devil:
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