CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'No Way Out'

This time St. Langston went a little further, telling Brass that Reggie and his cousin who had not only held him and Riley hostage but shot a gang banger, should get a fair deal. In reference to the interview with George Eads “Smith and Riley are a good fit” What I am going to say is going to piss off Eads fans. The Only role Eads is cut to play is as Nick Stokes. The movie Evil Kenivel was a flop. So I’m sure he has plans never to quit CSI as long as it is running.
George started acting later in life than others and Billy Petersen picked him for the role of Nick Stokes. Did you know that Helen Mirren who won an Oscar for The Queen was told she would reach her peak later in life. She was in her fifties when she won an Oscar.

Don't count George out yet.

“Fishburne’s a Dream” says Eads, “I feel he raises our integrity level” – obliviously Eads is doing a publicity stunt for CBS. Fishburne who is well known for his other roles looks silly playing Langston. I won’t be surprised if he quits at the end of Season 9. If he stays then the money must be good!

My family, friends and I strangely feel that since Petersen’s exit CSI has been pure “crap”. It is obvious that CBS has been cutting cost – letting go of some good writers and crew!
Well that's your opinion. I've talked to others who love the Langston character, remember not all CSI fans come on this board.

“And Sissy – Ouch Poor Nick”. Nick had handel murder cases involving children. Yes he was upset but did not shed any tears. Why now? I’m not being mean but Haley was no angel. She did not care about anyone else except herself and even peddled drugs at one time. To cry over her death openly – someone he had briefly encountered a number of times was too much for me to stomach. Watching Episode 6 & 7 almost made me puke but I did not want to waste such a good dinner!
You sound like you don't have kids, no child is an angel. Haley was being rebellious and mouthy-like a lot of kids.

And the crying was in due part over his grief for Warrick as well as Haley as Top pointed out in her review. If you watched the episode closely instead of pining for Billy Petersen, then you would notice the scene in which Nick comes in out of the rain and then there's mention of Warrick. It was after Haley died Nick realized he may have closed the case too quickly, but at that time he was so grief-stricken with Warrick's death, he might have been on autopilot. There were many layers in this episode.

Did you know George is suffering from a herniated disc, he was in a lot of physical pain during that episode.

The episode was more like a soap opera. As usual the glory when to Langston – Catherine giving him a hug and the rest of the CSIs patting him on his back. I’m really lost for words! If I’m not mistaken, it was Riley who disarmed the suspect – saving both her life and Langston. By the way, Langston had put the suspect life at risk by performing surgery with his pudgy fingers, which could have put the suspect’s life in further jeopardy.
And your beloved GSR was not a soap opera? And that felt like it was being forced down my throat on a weekly basis.

And really why is it when you post, you get so personal about the actors' looks. You've done it with Catherine and now you are doing it with Langston. It really is a turn off for me when we started to get critical of their appearance.

And if this show were real life and I had a glass shard in my body, I wouldn't care less if Langston had King Kong size hands, as long he saved my life that's all that counts.

I know that I’m being wicked but this is my honest opinion, Langston looked like a “gorilla emerging from the mist!”:guffaw:
I don't know if you meant this, but this comment reminded me of a cartoon in the New York Post (?) that compared Barrack Obama to a monkey. It was deemed as racist. Your calling Langston a gorilla gives me that same impression. Are you making fun of his skin colour? It appears that way to me.

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Thank you Top41 for your respond :thumbsup:, unfortunately, I disagree that “CSI is just as good without Petersen”

That is pure injustice to Petersen. A few years ago Anthony Zuiker contributed that the success of CSI goes to Peterson – “The Very shoe that I wear, the car that I am driving and the house I am living is is all because of Billy”

This quote just means that BP was the one who got CSI started. Zuiker wouldn't have his job if it weren't for CSI's initial success, a success which is due in large part to BP's work on the show. Still, this quote has nothing to do with whether or not CSI is as good without BP.

It has lost its realism. CSI was formerly an interpretation of crimes. It captures the details and it is left to the CSI’s figure out the details and ties the evidence to the crime. Now it looks more like a soap opera!
Soap opera, huh? Last I checked, soap operas revolve around romance storylines. So it's kinda interesting (and kinda impossible) for CSI to turn into a soap opera after it gets rid of the one romance storyline.

For 8 ½ years it had a dynamic cast with Grissom being the looming figure BUT NEVER the Hero. He is not always right and nobody have ever given him a hug or pat on the back for solving a case or when he was almost killed in an explosion in Season’s 5 finale.
I don't see what Langston getting a hug has to do with anything. I'm sure Catherine has given all of her subordinates hugs at some point, particularly in similar circumstances when they've just had a rough case/day. It was a comforting hug to Ray, who, as a rookie, just went through his first tough dangerous case of that manner.

In season 8, Dropout Catherine – I like it when he gets it wrong. It makes him human.
Ray has gotten stuff wrong too. Just look at 'Miscarriage of Justice'.

When Fishburne first appeared in episode 10, he was not that impressive. I considered him as the case of ugly duckling – he will bloom in time.

But after 7 episodes, sadly he is still the ugly duckling. His acting is mundane and there is hardly any chemistry between his character and the others.
Seriously? You're talking about an Oscar nominee here. Fishburne is clearly a very, very talented actor. Acting is an art, so I suppose it's all in the eyes of the viewer, but still -- seriously? His acting is mundane? And no chemistry?

“The Writing is still excellent” – NO WAY, many of the story line is so muddled and confusing, Overall plain boring and predictable. And there is also some evidence of plagiarism, only viewership and ratings will decide if CSI is just as good without Petersen.
Plagiarism? Is there any actual evidence of this?

I hope they do not repeat the same thing that is getting some singing sensation with no acting skills just for getting the viewership’s up.
I thought Taylor Swift did an excellent job. She hardly has 'no acting skills'.

My family, friends and I strangely feel that since Petersen’s exit CSI has been pure “crap”. It is obvious that CBS has been cutting cost – letting go of some good writers and crew!

As far as I know, BP leaving had nothing to do with cutting costs and everything to do with his desire to pursue other interests (namely theatre). TPTB certainly didn't want him to leave.
This is my final response to MyfutureCSI and HappyHarper

SO TYPICAL :rolleyes:! The moment one gives an honest opinion or view in a so called free speech nation, you immediately jump on the “pin-pointing racism wagon”. I take this as a personal insult to my integrity :wtf:. Thank God you are thousands of miles away, if you had said this to my face i would have given you something to remember for the rest of your life. The only time i have been a racist is towards Taliban and Al Quedas. Even if i wanted to be one it is not possible for I myself am a coloured person.

The male members of my families are a shade or 2 darker than Fishburne and they are also huge and hefty. The remark i made about Fishburne was a term of endearment. And to compare my description of Fishburne to that of the New York Times is completely of out of Text. The cartoon did not compare Obama to a Chimp but suggested that he should be shot down like the chimp which had attacked a woman and had almost killed. I myself despise the cartoon which was distasteful.

Last week President Obama made a gaffe on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He compared his bowling ability to that of the Special Olympics. I am a disabled person but i was not offended by that remark. Instead I took it in a positive way, President Obama is an able bodied person. The sitting President of the United States, he works out every day at the White House gym, he jogs and plays a mean game of basketball. Therefore if his ability at bowling is only average then athletes at the Special Olympics are superheroes.

I wasn’t laughing at Fishburne, honestly that was how i visualised him coming out from the dark. I am sorry to have shattered your fantasies of George Eads. To compare George Eads to Helen Mirren is a JOKE! Helen Mirren a top notch actress not only has an Oscar but 3 Baftas and numerous other accolades to her name. Her number 1 – Prime Suspect, a police drama on BBC was aired for so many years. “You sound like you don’t have kids, no child is an angel. Haley was being rebellious and mouthy like alot of kids”. I don’t have to be an Octo-mum to tolerate children. In my book if a child is rebellious and mouthy – this reflects poor parenting

The day Eads wins an Oscar is the day i will walk again. And the visually impaired will gain their sight and stop patronising me by saying “well that is your opinion”.

“I’ve talked to others who love Langston’s character, remember not all CSI fans come on this board” – I can’t help if you and your friends settle for less.

Just because Eads suffers from herniated disc, it does not mean i have to be nice to him and lie about his acting skills. That in fact would be cruel. “And your beloved GSR was not a soap opera” Gosh so you were the one who use to smother anyone at the mere mention of GSR. The truth is, i have stopped pinning for Petersen since Season 9 episode 10, when he hugged and kissed Sara in the middle of the of the jungle in Costa Rica, since then my focus has shifted to Simon Baker of the Mentalist. I pine for the days when CSI was a dynamic forensic drama on the small screen with excellent storytelling, which kept audiences glued to the TV.

Just because Fishburne was an Oscar Nominee it does not mean that he excels in every role he undertakes. I have a strong feeling that you are David Rambo under a pseudonym name - Fighting CBS battles.

As for me i shall bid my final sayonara to this website. I find it a waste of time to write to a website where some the fans are so small minded and quicked to crush anyone who gives an honest opinion. By the way don’t bother to respond to this posting because i won’t bother to read it as i will be busy away in Bali setting up my island resort.

Though your notions are many, they are not worth a penny!
m1304m, I hope you don't leave the site. I very much enjoy reading your responses! As for the racism question myfuturecsi posed...because this is the internet, people have no way of knowing what other posters look like. In the U.S., some terminology sets off sensitivities because of how it was used in the past.

This is for everyone--just a general reminder that everyone here is entitled to an opinion, be it positive or negative. That applies to the characters, to the actors' professional performances, the storylines, the show in general. Please keep that in mind while posting--feel free to debate someone's opinions, but do not get personal with them! Thank you.
m1304m, I hope you don't leave the site. I very much enjoy reading your responses! As for the racism question myfuturecsi posed...because this is the internet, people have no way of knowing what other posters look like. In the U.S., some terminology sets off sensitivities because of how it was used in the past.
I grew up in inner city Toronto in a predominantly "black" neighbourhood, I had more "black" friends than white friends, and comments comparing them to gorillas or monkeys were not well received to say the least. So thanks for pointing that out, Top. You are exactly right as to why I question her statement comparing Fishbourne to a primate.

To compare George Eads to Helen Mirren is a JOKE! Helen Mirren a top notch actress not only has an Oscar but 3 Baftas and numerous other accolades to her name. Her number 1 – Prime Suspect, a police drama on BBC was aired for so many years. “You sound like you don’t have kids, no child is an angel. Haley was being rebellious and mouthy like alot of kids”. I don’t have to be an Octo-mum to tolerate children. In my book if a child is rebellious and mouthy – this reflects poor parenting
All I'm saying, is never count someone out. George may not act again after CSI, but his time in showbiz will not likely end. He's stated that he's expressed an interest in directing and producing.

And I recall reading many a critic who said ER was the best George Clooney could ever do

Mouthiness from a kid=poor parenting? My friend's daughter went through a mouthy period for many years, now she's a top graduate in her class. I'd say my friend's parenting skills are top notch. It's easier to be a parent when you don't have kids I always say.

As for me i shall bid my final sayonara to this website. I find it a waste of time to write to a website where some the fans are so small minded and quicked to crush anyone who gives an honest opinion.
Just becaus I don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm small-minded. And I don't find your opinions honest, but bordering on cruel when you go on to say things like 'pudgy hands', 'sissy', 'gorilla'. To me that's immature name-calling. If you expected to come on and make statements like the ones you did and not have anyone counter them, then you were wrong. I have a right as well to counter every one of your statements. It doesn't make me small minded. Opinionated? Sure! Small minded? No. I'm a well educated person who just happens to have her own opinions on topics.

It's okay Top, I'll slap myself if this post is out of line. I am being a respectful as I can.
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You know what some people seem to forget, that if BP was still on the show, these episodes STILL would've happened.

So to say that show is bad and the writing is bad since BP left, is an insult not only to those still involved with the show, but to Billy too! Because, like I said, if he was still on the show, these stories still would've taken place, but I guess when someone puts BP on a pedestal and thinks he can do wrong, then you would think the the show and these episodes were great and wouldn't be so critical.

See, when someone constantly puts Billy on a pedestal and thinks he can do no wrong, I can only take their comments at face value. Because if you can't be critical of the star you like, then your comments can only be taken at face value. :shifty:

Grissom never played the hero? What show were you watching? It was nearly, always Grissom saving the day.

All the characters have their faults, as do the actors, so please stop putting Billy on a pedestal he doesn't deserver. He doesn't like to be put on there, so no one should put him there. Oh, before you think I hate the character of Grissom or Billy, that couldn't be farther from the truth. I have always love the character of Grissom and I totally respect Billy as an actor, otherwise I wouldn't have spent money to see him in 'Dublin Carol'.

The other thing people need to remember is that Fishburne is the LEAD MALE on this show and he will always be put in the forefront. Everyone needs to accept that and get over it. Billy was the lead male and he was always in the forefront.

Now to say Nick was a 'sissy' for crying? I could say the same thing about Sara and her crying. :rolleyes:

Personally, I think the show has gone back to its roots! It has more of the team feeling, like it did before GSR.
As for me i shall bid my final sayonara to this website. I find it a waste of time to write to a website where some the fans are so small minded and quicked to crush anyone who gives an honest opinion. By the way don’t bother to respond to this posting because i won’t bother to read it as i will be busy away in Bali setting up my island resort. [I said:
Though your notions are many, they are not worth a penny! [/i]

Even if you don't read this. I hope you reconsider, I enjoyed seeing a diffrent perspective.
At the moment I am in an island off Bali and do not have any internet access. But I do have a fax machine. Previous, I decided to refrain from reading any responses. My daughter, who had read them, persuaded me to at least look at them even if I did not want to respond to any of them. So she faxed me the responses. I come to a stage in my life that I do not waste time in harbouring anger or hatred.

Thank you Top41 and Neno for your kind words and encouraging compliments :thumbsup:.

Even if it takes just one person to enjoy reading my article! I’m honoured. Yes, I decided not to withdraw from this website,

BEFORE calling for a TRUCE, I have to get certain issues of my chest.

To FutureCSI :thumbsup:
“I grew in inner city of Toronto in a pre-dominantly black neighbourhood. I had more black friends than white” – I was born, grew up and still live in multi racial community.

I went to school with people of many race, religion, colour and beliefs. Event till this day, I have friends and work with people from a diversity of nationality, race, religion and colour.

I was born in to a Muslim family and converted to a Catholic (with my parents blessing) and at the same time observe Buddhism. The Father at my church had once asked me, which gate will I walk into on judgement day? I jokingly told him “Whichever provided Cable TV, so that I could watch CSI!” Race, Religion and Colour have never been an issue with me, my family, friends or the people in my community. It is not uncommon to see a Church/ Temple/ Mosque/ Synagogue or other places of worship next door to each other in my community!

When someone calls me a racist (especially someone who does not know anything about me) I take it very seriously and as a smear to my integrity.

I totally agree with Top41 – “Everyone is entitled to their opinion, be it positive or negative. This applies to the character – to the actor’s professional performance, the storyline and the show in general” – I was referring to Fishburne’s character NOT him. My precise words were “Langston looked like a gorillas emerging from the mist”. I was using a simile. Just like if one refers to someone being as greedy as a pig/clumsy as a bear/ heavy as an elephant. They are just making comparisons not a racist remark!

I guessed I would not be labelled racist if Langston was a white guy!

I remember sometime ago on during an American Idol audition, Simon Cowell had commented that a contestant looked like a bush baby because he had really big eyes. This remark was deemed rudeness but not racists. Lucky for Simon it was a white guy, if had been a black guy, poor Simon, he would have been crushed like digestive biscuit/hot butter poured over him/ flattened out in a dish/baked in a hot over/chewed up and washed down with a cup of hot cocoa.

Top41 – “Pudgy fingers – I laughed, I thought that was funny”. I applaud you for foresight and sense of humour.

On the other hand, if Langston had slim and elegant fingers and if I said the opposite, I am being unfair and personal.

Anyone, who appears on TV, should accept the fact they will be scrutinized by the viewers for their looks/manner/clothes. If they cannot stomach this, then they should move on to Radio

To FutureCSI
“All I am saying, is never count someone out...he had expressed an interest in directing and producing” – You have high hopes for Eads, he is a lucky guy. You are entitled to your opinion; I can’t even visualise him being a director or a producer. I’M ALSO ENTITLED TO MY OPINION.

“My friend’s daughter when through a mouthy period for many years, now she is a top graduate in her class – my friend’s parenting skills are top notch” – Congratulations to her, top notch parenting skills does not always guarantee Top Graduates. As I have always said to my students “Academic achievement does not necessarily reflect one’s character”

(A) “It is easier to be parent when you don’t have kids, I always said”.
(B) “You sound that you don’t have kids”

Twice, you have hinted, that I am intolerant of Haley; most probably I don’t have kids. By the way, I am curious – “how does one sound, if they don’t have children?”

FYI – I am single parent of 5 beautiful adopted children from 3 continents. They youngest is 4 and the oldest is 29. They have the freedom to practice any religion they want. Given the best education I can afford. It is only natural that as teenagers they were rebellious at times but never mouthy – THANK GOD. Now, they are excellent academics, holding respectable jobs

I’ve always told them that they were given the best education, not just to secure a good job but to be a good person and of benefit to society.

I’m a well educated person who just happens to have her own opinion on topics” – Good for you that you are well educated. I respect anyone who had their own opinion so long as they don’t smother others with theirs. I myself is high educated with a string of degrees. Well respected by the people that I know for my sincerity and my honest views.

“And your beloved GSR was not a soap opera?” – “Your beloved” Does that not sound like a personal attack. Anyway, classifying GSR as a soap opera is overrating it. In 191 episodes, never once did we see them, smooching or making out. Not even a single shower scene. Ripping off their clothes and tumbling into bed. I have always thought that a little passion would have made the romance - REALISTIC! They slack all the intimacy, sleaziness, cheesiness that makes up a soap opera. My daughter who had watched Season 9 episode 10 with me had chucked and commented “Finally Billy Petersen after 8 ½ years as Grissom got to kiss some else besides his wife”. To which I had laughed with tears rolled down my cheeks!

To SpeedyStokesGirl
Oh yes I do remember you! You have a huge crush on Eads. “So please STOP putting Billy on a pedestal, HE DOES NOT DERSERVE IT – he doesn’t like on there” – Since when did you have the authority to command me what do to and not to do. Are you not being very personal and a control freak? As a fan of Petersen, I can put him anywhere I like! I do not need your approval. I am curious where you got your information that he hates to be put on a pedestal. Did he pass on the information to you when you paid good money to watch Dublin Carol?

“Billy never played the HERO? What show have you been watching? It was always Grissom saving the day” – I shamelessly admit that I have watched at least 30times of each of the 192 episodes. It is not an obsession; it just happened that I am never tired of my HERO Billy. I love Petersen’s portrayal of Grissom – to me it was brilliant. Thought I must admit that some of his movies sucked.

Even if he had played the HERO every now and then, it was done in a subtle manner and never overplayed! Many times the evidence was staring in the face. It sometimes took another CSI or even a Lab Rat to point it out to him. Most of the time it has always been a team contribution.

In Season 7 Locomotive, Hodges point out the website Locomotive Ville to Grissom who was, unaware of such a website thus Grissom was able to connect Ernie Dell to the crime. Again, in Season 8, Cross Dressing Carp, it was Hodges again who pointed out to Grissom that the contamination was in the water and not in the fish.

“Fishburne is the lead on this show and he will always be put in the forefront – EVERYONE NEEDS TO ACCEPT THIS and GET OVER IT”

Your honourable master, your command will be heed immediately from now on. :guffaw:

“Nick was a sissy for crying, I could say the same thing about Sara and her crying” – Definition of Sissy – To Behave like a Girl according to the OED. It is not possible for Sara to cry like a sissy. Hello, she is a GIRL!

“Personally, I think the show has gone back to its roots. It has more the team feeling, like it did before GSR” – It is so obvious that you detest Sara, you yourself have admitted it, “personally”. As for me, I am very happy for Grissom and Sara or anyone else who finds love.

You seem to make so much of assumption about the writing/state of the show/where Billy stands in CSI/what everyone must accept, I wonder if you really know what you are talking about or maybe you are getting your script from CBS. Thank God we are only arguing over a TV Drama. I shudder at the thought of facing FutureCSI and SpeedyStokesGirl in a political arena – I JUST MEANT THIS AS A JOKE...NO HARD FEELINGS:guffaw:

My conclusion, I am facing so much of opposition from FutureCSI and SpeedyStokesGirl just because I am not a fan of George Eads. If I were, I would most probably be your BFF.:rommie:

Criticism is best taken with a pinch of Salt!
^I really don't mean to start an argument right now, but I'd just like to clarify one thing. I don't mean any offense in this, but I think you really totally misinterpreted myfuturecsi's comment about race. She didn't call you a racist. She asked if you meant it as racist because that was clearly how it came across to her. And I must confess, I had the exact same reaction as she did to your comment. I'm sure that much of it is a cultural thing. You seem to have very diverse experiences and maybe you're used to an environment that is more accepting in its diversity and where racism isn't as much of an issue. It could also have to do with open sores that are/were more prevalent in certain areas. Personally, I (probably like myfuturecsi) live in an area where racism is often too prevalent. And I know that, if someone in my area compared an African American character to any sort of primate, they would definitely be seen as a racist. Now that you've explained what you meant by it, I'm very relieved to know that it was not meant as a racist comment. However, please understand that nobody accused you of being a racist. I've reread the comment in question multiple times and it seems quite clear to me that she was simply curious as to what you meant and presenting one way she thought it could be interpreted, but hoped that it wasn't really meant that way.

And I'm sorry to myfuturecsi if it isn't my place to respond to this. I just felt compelled because I initially had the same reaction.
Initially I wasn't going to respond to m1034's post because I'm not about to add fuel to her fire. Obviously, she enjoys stirring things up. I for one would rather walk away but I will add harper13 is right, where I grew up, if I ever called a person of colour a 'gorilla', it would be offensive to them because it's used in a racial sense. So thanks for that harper13, I appreciate it.

I guess for me, a good argument doesn't include calling a character a sissy, or a 'whore' as you did with Catherine in a previous post, or 'pudgy' fingers..I don't like to pick on the actor's appearance in any regard. That's just not me, maybe others like it, but I don't. And that's why your posts really bug me, because I don't see how name-calling makes for a good discussion or debate, in fact for me it brings the discussion down. But I guess some people like it, I don't. Maybe it's the Canadian in me. You certainly are entitled to your opinion, but I'd rather not read it because I'm always left with a bad taste in my mouth. It's kind of like Bill O'Reilly of Fox News, I listened to him a few times and now I can't be bothered because I can't stand his loud, obnoxious and down right insulting opinions.

My conclusion, I am facing so much of opposition from FutureCSI and SpeedyStokesGirl just because I am not a fan of George Eads. If I were, I would most probably be your BFF.:rommie:
No actually, you wouldn't be. My friends aren't into name-calling. We're too old for that.
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CSI with Grissom is one of the best shows ever but I do believe this one is amazing too.Ray is enigmatic like Grissom but has a better understanding of human behaviour.It's different but good as well.
HappyHarper - Thank you for your understanding and far sight. When i look at a person the thing that i hardly notice is their colour.

MyFutureCSI - “To add fuel to her fire” “Obviously, she enjoys stirring things up” – My mother has always said that if you point a finger at someone else, your 3 fingers are pointing back at you!

“I don’t like to pick on the actor’s appearance in any regard” - What is it that you don’t get? The remarks were made to the characters – Fictitious Figures!

Ruben Studdar is fondly called “The Teddy Bear” – A reference to him being huge, cute and huggable. But a person with a small mind will automatically think that he is being referred to an actual bear – huge, brown, furry and clumsy! To think about it now, I could have escaped the scathing by MyfutureCSI if i had described Langston as a teddy bear emerging from the mist.

“I don’t see how name calling makes for a good discussion” – Using a simile/descriptive words does not mean name calling – A FIGURE of SPEECH!

"Maybe its the Canadian in me”

I know quite a number of Canadians. Not all Canadians are not like you. God Bless Canada!

Ironically, while writing this article, my TV was on Glutton for Punishment, hosted by Bob Blumer from Surreal Gourmet. He was to participate in a contest – running down a hill after a block of cheese. At first he was hesitant and on eof the organisers had jokingly called him ‘a Sissy’. Bob Blumer laughed because he accepted it as a figure of speech, just like someone remarks ‘Don’t be a cry baby’.

Chinua Achebe in one of his novels has referred to his grandmother, who looked after the village children while their parents were working in the field as “she was black as the bottom of a cooking pot”. Anyone who is well versed in the English Language, would know that this is not name calling but a figure of speech!

“I/m left with a bad taste in my mouth” – You are not only referring me as distasteful but comparing me to Riley – LOUD, OBNOXIOUS and downright INSULTING. We are to old for that!

Are you not doing exactly what you are accusing me of “Name-Calling”. You should lighten up and stop taking things to seriously.

“No actually, you wouldn’t be. My friends aren’t into name calling. We are too old for that” – I am surprised that you have friends. Anyway, I’m way to mature and forgiving to be your friend!

Gosh! Nothing will appease Myfuturecsi till she gets a pound of my flesh! I will not respond to Myfuturecsi anymore. It is about time we move on.

Anyway, I rest my case. There is far too many important things in this world to worry about that arguing over a simile to describe a fictitious character!
m1304m, myfuturecsi, maybe it's time to just agree to disagree and put each other on ignore. I can understand where you're both coming from, but at this point it doesn't seem like further conversation is going to be very productive.

Let's get this review thread back on topic about the episode. Thanks. :)