CSI Bumpersnickers

I may look like Ecklie - but I assure you, I have Grissom's personality.

Ecklie: God is dead. God: Ecklie is dead.
Humans:The other, other white meat.

Sorry, but I saw that one episode where that girl gets eaten by one of her friends who was on PCP and I just couldn't resist....
I just can say: love all posts!!!
Trying to choose, but it's difficult because all of them really rocks...
I am not sure if anyone came up with this one yet, but it is my signature. Snickers, it's not just a candy bar, but a beautiful relationship!
I'm not any good at this stuff, but here's my go :D

"Love, Truth, Freedom and Beauty = Nick Stokes"

"Never kiss someone you plan to murder"

"Analyse Everything"

"CSI on Board"

"Back away from the trunk"