CSI Bumpersnickers

I guess it would be the one that "lovescsi" wrote "A good friend will help you move; A GREAT friend will help you move a body."
"Who da man? GIL GRISSOM!"
"CSIs - without them, criminals get away."
(A spoof on the "Woman: without them, man is nothing" joke...)
Speaking of bucket brigade, what episode is that off of? I keep hearing people mention it, but I'm completely lost... *sighs to self*
Those are all so amazing!!

One question though, how many bumperstickers is too many bumperstickers, cos my car is gna be COVERED in 'em!!

Ive already got one that my mom bought me for Charmed, but these are so going SOMEWHERE:
Crime Scene, do not cross
A good friend will help you move, a great friend will help you move a body
and i LOVE this one : Today was a total waste of make-up

and of course "I dont break for Ecklie" too true ;)

Ive got this one, its not really a bumpersticker, but it could go somewhere...and i know as soon as i hit 100 posts, it my av lol http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v158/charmed-nutter/Avatars/CSINY/ILoveCSINY.gif