CSI Bumpersnickers

I have a page full on my website get to many more and I'll hve to start another page. Boy I'm glad I can do thumbnails on there or I'd have quite a few pages. But I have so much fun doing them.
Well, when your that good at something you should flaut it.......

Not sure if this has been done before:

If it's a Thursday night at 7:59, you had BETTER stay OUT of my way!!!

Once I get a car (and a driver's license of course), I am going to figure out a way to stick that saying on my car!
If it's a Thursday night at 7:59, you had BETTER stay OUT of my way!!!

I did that one in the very first post of this thread, several pages back. But mine is on Eastern time.

If it is 8:55pm on a Thursday, get out of my way!
[/QUOTE] Really?? Well it ain't particularly a Dutch name... *starts wondering*


my name's actually natalie but i don't like it so my friends call me NaZ. but my last name is dutch (vanderwel)
i like that one.
how about "newly weds, cath and gil, honk for luck"
^:lol: that's funny :D

Vanderwel.. yeah that's Dutch... well it was at one time I suppose: the modern Dutch version would be: Van der Wel :) It means: Of/From the well.. hehehe. That's actually a cool name. "der" is actually an old usage of the word "de" meaning "the".. am i making any sense?!
^:lol: that's funny :D

Vanderwel.. yeah that's Dutch... well it was at one time I suppose: the modern Dutch version would be: Van der Wel :) It means: Of/From the well.. hehehe. That's actually a cool name. "der" is actually an old usage of the word "de" meaning "the".. am i making any sense?!

a little bit ;)
"If I can't find evidence at a crime scene...then I know just who I want to talk to about my ex..."

Bit long...but how's it sound? ;)
Ah, thank you KiraGrissom!
Lol, I remember one day I was IM'ing a friend that dosnt normally watch CSI and I was trying to help her find her remote so we could both watch it-meanwhile I'm counting down to CSI and trying to picture the room she was in at the time to figure out where a remote could hide itself-I wound up trying to type what was going on in the case, rather unsuccessfully,during commercial breaks because I can't type without looking at the keyboard and I couldn't tear my eyes away, rerun or not!
why, yes, i work for lady heather. so shut up while i tie you to the bumper.

arachnids, butterflies and peanut butter are my life.

*points to signature* I love the arachnids, butterflies and peanut butter one, coolcatz! And as for Lady Heather, she rocks, although I'm not sure if I would want to work for her, her employees seem to die a lot lol! :D
why, yes, i work for lady heather. so shut up while i tie you to the bumper.

arachnids, butterflies and peanut butter are my life.

*points to signature* I love the arachnids, butterflies and peanut butter one, coolcatz! And as for Lady Heather, she rocks, although I'm not sure if I would want to work for her, her employees seem to die a lot lol! :D

That was just too funny!!