Criminal Minds

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LOL! I rewound that bit, it made me think if MGG really gets into character to put something like that in, is it scripted, or is MGG just as clumsy as i expect boy genius to be?
Bua-ha-ha-haaa! Thanks my, why am I channeling Craig Ferguson? *scratches head* Anywho...I just loved that part. I can imagine Gube tripping and then, after the take was over, acting like he improvised it to play up the adorkable-ness. :p

By the way, I just went on Gube's website (clicky to visit teh Gube!), and I noticed that he's updated it since the last time I was on there (which has been a while, but still ;)). It's labeled January, and I'm pretty sure I've been on there since January, so maybe he's just now getting around to posting it? :confused: Anywho, if you didn't see the bit about Gube turning into a hobo and having his head explode, go check it out. ;)

By the way again ;), I went on, and now he's listed as being in the RV movie...I wonder if he was able to grow the handlebar mustache? :lol: Ah well, when it comes out on video I'll rent it just to check him out (I wouldn't pay for a movie ticket just for teh Gube, but I'll rent the movie from Blockbuster--I'll just tell my family that it looked like a good movie and avoid mentioning my burgeoning Gube-obsession. ;) :lol:)

Heh, who'd guess that I would not only know how to spell 'burgeoning' but that I'd also know what it means and think to use it in a sentence? ;)

Oh, and in the third 'by the way' for one post, monkeyrabbit my darling, try not to double-post if you're within the editing time limit--just clicky the 'edit' button and add on to your original post. :)
*nods* No more double posting. :) Your wish is my command Faylinn

Thinking about the season finale, the whole "He (Reid) has to save 'her'" note that Gideon gets.
Maybe the 'her' is that baby in Reid's nightmare. In The Popular Kids Reid refers specifically to the baby being female, and i'm sure he would have mentioned the nightmare in letters to hims mum.
It shows how much control the "unsub" has, and reinforces the idea that Reid and his mum are key.
Or maybe i'm reading WAY to much into this!
Ooh, even if that's not right, it's certainly interesting...nice catch monkey. :)

I'm really curious as to how the unsub knows Reid--maybe he just knows Reid's mother, but maybe Reid knows him as well. It would suck if it ended up being his father or something. :( That would be kind of cliche, to be honest, but I also just think it would be in bad taste. words...
Yay! Mucho love for me. :p

Here's a picture of the Gube with Kirsten Vangsness at (I think) the People's Choice Awards.

Too cute!

Oh, and one of my favorite Gube pictures:


Now, onto another piece of hot male property (specifically, Shemar Moore). ;) I believe my description for this picture in Photobucket is "Guh...he's so damn hot!" How very true. :devil:
Well, this poor thread is dying. :( Let's see if we can bring it back to life. ;)

Inspired by threads for other shows, here are some questions that we can discuss:

1.) What would you like to see happen in season 2 (beyond just the resolution of the finale's story)?
2.) What are some interesting storylines that you'd like to see, interesting locations, etc?
3.) This show is more about the cases than the characters so far, do you like it this way or would you like to see more about the characters? That leads into another question...
4.) What sort of character developments would you like to see? Who's past would you like more information on?
5.) Do you think they'll make any changes to the show regarding cast, etc? (Meaning, do you think they'll add a cast member, whether it be a main person or a supporting role?)

Well, I think that's enough for now, certainly. ;)

Personally, I like the way the show was in the first season, but I'd like for them to continue to give us a little bit of information about the characters. That doesn't mean I want to see inter-team romances or anything like that (I can think of at least one other show that is delving into murky territory with that situation :(). I want to know some more about why each of them is on the team. I think it would be especially interesting to see why Reid is in the BAU--what made him join the FBI? Why profiling? That question is important for each of them, of course, but Reid is just do damn interesting that I can't help but wonder.

As for which types of cases I'd like to see them do, I keep returning to a crossover with CSI:NY because I'm just stubborn like that. ;) I know that CM already did a show in New York, but CM doesn't usually have much, if anything, to do with forensic teams. It would be really interesting if there was a serial killer in NYC that knew how to screw with the forensics so that the CSIs couldn't figure out the case, and they'd have to call in the FBI. Maybe the killer is even using forensics to toy with them, so that they have to do some combination of profiling and forensics to solve the case. It would be great to see how the two teams interact--on the CSI shows, there is usually a tense relationship with the Feds, and I'd like to see the characters butt heads a few times. Besides, I think Mac and Hotch would work well together, Danny and Morgan would come thisclose to beating each other up, Garcia would probably flirt with all of our guys, etc. ;) :lol: *sigh* I'd just really love to see how it turned out (with the CM writers doing most of the story, of course. ;) The writing this first season has been phenomenal, and NY has had some bumps in S2 that I'd hate to see crop up in a crossover.)

I hope they don't try to add too many people. If they can come up with a job that could be featured in every episode, that's fine, but to just add characters for no real reason would be, well, unnecessary. :p It might be interesting if there was a coroner-type-person that showed up in a few of the episodes (not necessarily every one, but enough that we'd all know who he/she was) to give their expertise about how specific wounds, etc. tell you something about the killer. *shrug* Maybe that was a lame example, but I really can't see a reason to add more people--after all, they have the local police, etc. at their disposal if they need help. I also don't see any of the cast members leaving--that would suck and I'm crossing my fingers on that one. Let's just hope that they were all planning to be in it for the long haul so that, if the show lasts for a long time (which I'm hoping right now that it does ;)), we'll get to keep the same cast. :)

Wow, that was long-winded. :lol: What do you guys think (about the questions, not how long my answer was ;))?
First off, that was a loong post, but if it's needed to keep this beloved thread going, then so be it. ;) :p

Off topic point two. Looking at your photobukcet account Faylinn.. this is just me that thinks this painting HERE of Carmine *can'tspellsecondname* looks like Reid?!

Now to the questions..

1.) I'd like to see more of the same. I'm with you Fay, i want more character development, and like you i want more Reid story. I know we have a lot of them but the writers have written such an interesting character in such a short space of time that i want to see what more they are going to do. I want more Garcia too. Really i want character orientated episodes (no romances!) mixed with some case-focused ones.

2.) Now, i haven't seen the whole season one but something i want to see is where they don't catch the unsub, or they don't reach them in time. I'm sure its been done in the latter part of the season, but i'm interested in how they will play out.
I think the whole schizophrenia avenue might be followed with Reid, as we've seen in the NY episode "Three Generations Are Enough", it is a disease that is very much in the family, and part of me would like to see that too.

3.)I like that it is focused on the cases, but i would like a few more character episodes. You know, some full blown angst-ridden rides!

4.) What sort of character developments would you like to see? Who's past would you like more information on?
Again, i want to see more about all of the characters, but especially Reidy-boy.
I also want the dynamic of the group to be highlighted more. It's one thing i love about this show and i can't wait to see more of it.

5.) I think there might be some recurring roles next season. Like specialists in certain areas (and knowing these shows that will probably result in some kind of romance (booo)).
I would like to see a recurring bad-guy. I really would.

I can't wait for the information on the next season!

Now, lets not let the thread die! :(

And off i go to watch the new episode here in the uk! YAY!
The problem with character led episodes is that if they're not handled carefully, it starts getting ridiculous. I mean that in terms of how many bad things can happen to one person. Look at Horatio in Miami. So I don't mind character development, but lets not automatically have it as wangst? Let's see some nice stuff too. Like Hotch at home!

Please no hidden traumas that only come to light halfway through series two but like, totally affect the character, dude. NARGH.

I don't want Reid to be affected by schizophrenia. TT__TT There's no way he'd be allowed to work in the BAU if he showed signs of it. It's probably why he went into the field he did though - to understand it better? And he was so good at it he ended up on the FBI radar.

I'd like to see a couple of characters outside of the BAU. Like Booth in Bones. Someone who interacts with them, and works with them, but isn't directly involved. Preferably total Luddite, so Garcia can insult them. :devil:
Lyn said:
The problem with character led episodes is that if they're not handled carefully, it starts getting ridiculous. I mean that in terms of how many bad things can happen to one person. Look at Horatio in Miami. So I don't mind character development, but lets not automatically have it as wangst? Let's see some nice stuff too. Like Hotch at home!

Oh, i agree there should be some light-hearted stuff too. I would like to see it going well for the characters, but for me the episodes i enjoy more are the angsty, then when the lighter one comes along every 3 or 4 shows its such a big difference you appriciate it more aswell, if you get what i'm saying?

I really didn't mean i wanted a completely dark/depressed season, but a couple of eps dedicated to it. :devil: i just like to see tv characters suffer!

And, the only reason i say the Reid/Schizophrenia storyline might play a part (maybe a tiny one), is that his mum has it and the comments he made in derailed kind of sets it up. I was talking to a friend earlier and we thought that maybe a sibling close to him starts exibiting the symptoms and it affects him, that way we don't lose Reid! :D
I agree that I don't want the show to become ridiculous (a la CSI:Miami), which is the reason why I'm hesitant to say that I want serious character development. In fact, this show has done a good job of telling us about the characters in a subtle way so far, so maybe I'm just getting impatient. ;)

I agree with Lyn that I'd love to see more of Hotch at home--his character is the only one whose family we really know...of course, if they'd like to show us more of Morgan at home, in a towel, damp from just getting out of the shower... O_O Heh heh, what can I say? ;)

I can think of at least one episode in the latter part of the season where one of the unsubs wasn't caught immediately, monkey. That episode was great because I was on the edge of my seat hoping that they'd get him before he killed another person. @_@ I won't tell you what happened. ;)

I agree that I wouldn't want to see Reid end up with Schizophrenia. I can see him secretly worrying about it, and there could be a nice little moment between him and Gideon about it, but I'd really hate to see it happen. :(

I like lighter episodes, but I also like dark, suspensful episodes as well. I really want them to have a good mix of the two, as well as a few character-centric episodes thrown in for good measure. Again, they've done some of that in the first season, so maybe I'm just getting picky. :p (For example, they had that bombing episode that concentrated on Gideon trying to deal with losing his team 6 months before the start of the season.)

I'd like to see an episode where a serial killer shows up and is responsible for a number of seemingly random and unrelated murders that happened a long time ago--they only come to the attention of the police because the killer is putting the skeletons (?) all over a city/town. It would be interesting if they thought it was just some crazy person digging up bodies, but then they notice that all of the victims died in a similar manner. Then they have to deal with the fact that, if they catch the killer too soon, they may never find out exactly how many people he/she killed (which would allow them to at least give the families closure)--that would be interesting because they wouldn't actually be finding someone who might kill another person, so it would be an unusual sort of case. *shrug*

A recurring bad-guy could be great, but only if they do it right. ;) But I have faith in the writers--can I say how much I lurve them? Even the stupidest episodes have been good. :) I hope they all stick around for next season. ;)

By the way, monkey, I can see where you're coming from with Carmine's painting...I wonder if that's significant. *shifty eyes* ;) :p :lol:
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