Okay I went a touch long ^^ lol. So I will slap my keyboard later, have a good talking to myself about double posting. Until then here are some Tweets.
-So tonight's the big season opener! I know you all will be watching. Let me know what you think.
-So was everyone happy with the show last night?
-By the way, we are less than 2k away from 30K followers!
-And just for all you fans, we are going to work a few Saturdays so you will have far less repeats during the season.
-I thought it was amazing how just for a second we felt a little sorry for him before Morgan shot him.
-My call time is 5pm tonight. I guess it's gonna be a late one.
-Next week is the last episode for @ ajcookofficial It is really a great episode and AJ is fantastic as always!
-in order: Charlie and choc. factory (orig), boxcar children, beatles... [NOTE: whats your fav childhood movie?book? music?]
-impossible to pick...but if I had to: day in the life prob'ly... [NOTE: whats your fav beatles track???]
-If you need me I'll be out back bustin ghosts with ernie
-The new Criminal Minds poster is a little strange, what do you think?
KV: (Note the censor is mine)
-spent the whole evening with @ ajcookofficial & @ PagetPaget. To quote Ms. Brewster "f***ing heaven". My heart is full & my eyes are watery.
-I would say watch Criminal Minds but I know you already do that
-Ha ha ! Ladies night, me + Vangs + AJ. So nice. Also, @ [name omited by mod] was right. "Kick Ass" is an awesome movie. My love to you all !!! P
-At a wedding on the Queen Mary. The word on the street is that this place is haunted. I'll keep you posted if I meet a ghost!
-So, no I didn't meet any ghosts at the Queen Mary but I think one may have followed me home. Sleeping last night felt really creepy.
-Girls night!!! I love @ pagetpaget and @ vangsness. The power of three.
-So tonight's the big season opener! I know you all will be watching. Let me know what you think.
-So was everyone happy with the show last night?
-By the way, we are less than 2k away from 30K followers!
-And just for all you fans, we are going to work a few Saturdays so you will have far less repeats during the season.
-I thought it was amazing how just for a second we felt a little sorry for him before Morgan shot him.
-My call time is 5pm tonight. I guess it's gonna be a late one.
-Next week is the last episode for @ ajcookofficial It is really a great episode and AJ is fantastic as always!
-in order: Charlie and choc. factory (orig), boxcar children, beatles... [NOTE: whats your fav childhood movie?book? music?]
-impossible to pick...but if I had to: day in the life prob'ly... [NOTE: whats your fav beatles track???]
-If you need me I'll be out back bustin ghosts with ernie
-The new Criminal Minds poster is a little strange, what do you think?
KV: (Note the censor is mine)
-spent the whole evening with @ ajcookofficial & @ PagetPaget. To quote Ms. Brewster "f***ing heaven". My heart is full & my eyes are watery.
-I would say watch Criminal Minds but I know you already do that
-Ha ha ! Ladies night, me + Vangs + AJ. So nice. Also, @ [name omited by mod] was right. "Kick Ass" is an awesome movie. My love to you all !!! P
-At a wedding on the Queen Mary. The word on the street is that this place is haunted. I'll keep you posted if I meet a ghost!
-So, no I didn't meet any ghosts at the Queen Mary but I think one may have followed me home. Sleeping last night felt really creepy.
-Girls night!!! I love @ pagetpaget and @ vangsness. The power of three.
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