Okay does anyone remember Spicer saying he was divorced, or if his wife died? I can't remember. I mean okay they kill him, they kill the aunt, but what about the mom, where is she?
As to the snapping at people, yep everyone one of them has done that, but it was Morgans continual tone and again as I said I get that he was angry (or Mad as hell as I put it), I get he felt guilty, and I get that he was injured. Maybe cold shoulder with Em was not the right phrase I was looking for, more like a shrug off.
Thing is when I watched him in that ep I remember back to the 2x15 ep "Revelations" yes she snapped at Garcia, but then explained if she couldn't see the tape then she couldn't do her job. Garcia seemed to catch on to her voice and realized what was going on so it was your basic apology for snapping. She tried to talk to Morgan cause she feels guilty about Reid, Morgan was kind of short with her telling her basically she has to figure things out for herself. I get Reid was missing and time was of the essence, but he could have given her a little compassion he didn't have to say yes or no it wasn't. But they needed her to help them. He didn't want to listen and just left her standing there. -- In the case of Ellie, she wasn't made aware of the situation, so when she asked, she brushed past her with this look. -- Now that isn't the only time he has used a tone with her. After she had her baby the writers constantly had him using the you just became a parent reference, which really irritated me to a point, and I mentioned this before. -- Like I mentioned everyone has at one point snapped at each other, including Garcia at some of the team, remember when she took what Morgan said wrong which ended up getting her shot? She wouldn't talk to him so Emily had to call her, and then Em had to give Morgan a clue. Look I am not being a downer on Morgan, normally I like him fine, it's the times when the writers just sort of push the limits with him to make him look and sound like an ass that I have a problem with.
Gotta agree that the little girl (and I thought it was just me) was good but the slight looks, lack of shown fear even for a second, that talking back to a kidnapper many times, even taunting him about letting the second brother escape and telling him to alert all the neighbors to the fact that Flynn was there. Even when Morgan hugged her at the end after she learned whatever he said to her, she was blank, okay some would say reality set in. But then he hugged her and she had that look on her face for a few seconds and then a tear rolled down her face but that look was still there. -- She was awesome in the ep, and if she were working with the unsub I would say perfect. I am not sure about being a victim, if they persue this even for another ep hopefully they give her more of that child like (non unsub in the making) look cause lol yeah.
I myself am not going to stop watching, right now things are disjointed granted, they seem to be here, there and everywhere, right now, and I am sure that losing some of the writers over to the new show, and losing a character that has been there can't help the situation. Hopefully getting past this and the next ep they will find that even keel. Or maybe the purpose is to keep everyone on their toes and like I mentioned showing more then one dimensions, which shakes things up where we think we know something about someone. With each dimension we see a new side, the good, the bad and the ugly. Thing I am wondering if the disjointed part came before or after the network decided not to bring back AJ/JJ if so then a lot of rewrites had to be done if they hadn't gotten it written or fully written, it might not explain alot of season five but it might explain a lot of misteps in the first ep of season six. OR I could be wrong altogether lol.