She didn't listen when her hubby told her to stay upstairs. Not that it would have helped.
Wouldn't it have made more sense to send Emily and/or JJ to talk to the woman? Usually with rape vics they send a woman.
LOL Reid's rambling again.
Lady, you just heard on the radio that there was a blackout in your area and you expect the garage remote to work?
Oh no she has a kid. Please don't hurt the kid, Mr. Serial Killer. Darn you, commercial! Oh thank goodness, the kid isn't hurt.
The Prince Of Darkness? Seriously? Why not just call him Satan/Lucifer?
Eew, rotten teeth!
So Spicer was his first witness. Didn't expect that. He left two witnesses that time. matt and his sister.
I hope the rest of the team will realize that they're at the old Spicer house.

Who is the dead guy on the floor at the old Spicer house? Current resident of the house?
Well, damn! He killed Spicer.

And he took the kid. She looks between 11 and 13.
Darn you, cliffhanger!
I hope next season they get him before he hurts the kid.