I just watched it, and unless they changed it the unsub had the gun pointed kind of between the shoulder and the heart area, after the gun went off you can see spicer falling backward with force and the gun coming up from being fired. Thing is after he was shot and you see him fall to the floor, did anyone else notice that the unsub was blocking out his body (after pic number three) so you couldn't see where he was shot, if he was alive, if was like Garcia faking it (in fear he would shoot his daughter) his body minus the legs were blocked then the dark caused even more not to be able to see. So I screen grabbed that one to.
Okay I went back and got some screen grabs of it, pardon the contrast I had to lighten it cause it was too dark. I linked to them. If you want them, save them cause they will be coming down in a couple days to a week and I will edit out this post. If it doesn't show up for you let me know.
Spicer Pic 1 Asking for a promise,
Spicer Pic 2 Begging Morgan for promise,
Spicer Pic 3 Mini Second after being shot,
Spicer Pic 4 Body Blocked
One other thing I found annoying, after everything Morgan said to Spicer, I get that he put the gun down, okay I don't but I do. After he was down on his knee's. He asked morgan to promise him his daughter would be alright, you could see morgan and hear him stalling over and over again. Yet Spicers sister (who yes had been assulted and was in a state) demanded that Morgan to make the promise. The other annoying thing, when the unsub was looking away and spicer was right there with the gun on him, notice he didn't try to make one last grab for it. Sure he might have lost or upset him but that could have allowed morgan with bound legs to kick him.
Morgan did ask shouldn't they wait for backup, the problem is shortly before that (unless my memory faults me in the last five minutes and that is possible lol) Em's phone and Reids cells went out. We only say them say they were going to his sisters house, never saw them say they were going to the other house, and how did they get reception? Hmm twists and turns.