Well the deaths I am guessing occur in 100, and in 101 Will is in the pictures
Click the fourth from the left with them sitting at the table, you see will to JJ's right, and Tina (as you can see below) will be in 101. Also yep that is the same Anderson.
Tech Tina, she is played by
Gina Garcia Sharp - She was the CSU tech in "Honor Among Thieves", "The Big Game", "Masterpiece", "The Fisher King (1)" "100", "The Slave Of Duty"
I don't see anything for 102 or did you mean 101?
So that leaves
Jessica (Haley's sister, hey have to throw her in),
US Marshall Kassmeyer (played by D.B. Sweeney) and
US Marshall (who was uncredited in "Reckoner") played by Amy Koppelman
One last thing, does anyone see Strauss in 101? She is in 100 but.. So do we add her to the list?
In the guest cast 101 the following are listed
Erin Strauss
Det. William LaMontagne Jr
Kevin Lynch
Haley Hotchner
Jessica Brooks (Haley's Sister)
Agent Anderson
Jack Hotchner
Evidence Tech Gina
So the only ones not mentioned in 101 is Foyet, and the two US Marshalls.
Oy the narrowing down is giving me a headache lol. again the freakin' plot thickens.