Crime Of Passion #2

"it's okay cath, don't cry." he said wiping her tear away. "tina's moving in with her sister tommorow. she said life with me is too difficult, she's threatening to file for divorce. no harm done to us then." hopeing his pleading with tina to stay hadn't changed her mind.
She smiled at him through her tears. "Life is really complicated sometimes, and love is one of the things that makes it that way, but I wouldn't trade my feelings for you for anything. War, I was happy for you when you married Tina, but I was also really envious. If only we'd met before I married Ed." She tried to stop the tears, but they fell anyway.
"life is, but it's also too small to waste on what could have been." he careesed her cheek, brushing away her tears. he held her in his arms. "if only tina wasn't in my life. if only we had said this before. if only..." his thoughts contradicting his words. he had lost so much when he had married tina, but also gained confidence of how he truly felt for catherine. life was so confusing, love was so confusing. why couldn't the world be simple?
She curled into him, hoping the tears would stop. She hated showing vulnerability. That was her one weakness. She had only hidden what she felt for him for his sake. She'd believed he was happy with Tina, and she hadn't wanted to mess things up. She was glad it was out in the open now, though.
he loved the feel of her in his arms, he wished she would never leave them. "cath, i love you but we can't do this right now, i'm married, it wouldn't be right to be with you untill tina's out of the picture. i'm sorry." warrick was amazed that he could say that when all he wanted was to hold her close and never let go.
She glanced up and nodded, pulling away. "War, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have done that. It was a moment of weakness. Oh, great. Now I feel guity." She flushed, embarrassed that he'd seen her in that vulnerable moment.
"it's okay cath." he broke the hug and got up to leave. before doing so though warrick threw all reason away and gentally brushed his lips on hers. he looked into her blue eyes as he did so and stroked her cheek. "i have to go home now" he said reluctantly. warrick left the room without looking back, because if he did he surely would have walked back to her. but he couldn't right now. first he had to sort things out with tina and find a way to tell her it wasn't working for him.
Cath's head was swimming. Had that reallt happened, or had she dreamed it like so many times before? He was right, though. It couldn't work for them yet. Not until Tina was out of the picture. She sighed. She had a feeling things wouldn't be that easy. However, she knew it had to work out eventually.
warrick was in a kind of daze over what had happened. he practiced a speech mentally. he would tell it to tina when he got home. he wanted to tell her that it just wasn't working and that he was attracted to another woman. "not just any other woman, catherine." he thought. he just hoped that tina would somewhat understand.

he got out of his car and walked up his driveway. the walk seemed eternally long, but when he got to the door tina was there with an angry frown on her face. he walkedthrough the doorway, past her. "tina, things aren't working between us. i think thatt we should spend some time apart for a while. forever maybe. i'm not attracted to you any more...there's this other woman..." he left an akward silence between the two of them.
Tina looked at him. She knew where this was going. "It's Catherine, isn't it?"

Cath shivered a little. She hoped Warrick could get through to Tina. She sipped a coffee and let her thoughts wander.
Stella smiled at him. He looked so cute while he was holding their little baby girl. She was so happy right now that nothing could ruin this day. She was going to remember it for the rest of her life. She couldn't take her eyes off of the new addition to the family. She was absolutely gorgeous in Stella's eyes. In the years that she had known Mac as a friend, she never once thought that he would end up being a father one day. And now, here she was Mrs. Stella Taylor, watching her husband hold a baby. But not just any baby; his baby. She never thought the day would come, but now that it had, she couldn't be happier.
Mac was looking back and forth between his wife and daughter with his happy smile, unable to keep his eyes off the baby but unable to stop showing Stella how happy he was either.

In the back of his mind, he thought of the news that had filtered in about Grissom and Sara. They should have a baby too now, but it hadn't happened for them and that was sad. He had an idea of the feelings; he and Claire had talked about having a family, and she almost had once, but had lost the baby early on. Sept.11th had dashed those dreams for good, he thought, and he could hardly believe the dream had managed to come true after all, with Stella.

He also had thoughts like Stella had just before, that as long as he was breathing, nothing would ever hurt his family without killing him first, he'd rather give his own life than allow any harm to come to them.

He brushed a finger against one tiny hand, and the small fingers closed around his. "Strong, I can tell already. Just like her mom and dad." he said.
Stella giggled a bit. She was overjoyed right now, and she knew that the nine months of hell she and Mac had gone through was totally worth it. She looked at the two, and knew she could never be happier. "She's going to be daddy's little girl, I can tell." she said with a smile as she reached out a hand and tickled her daughter. She giggled lightly. Stella wanted to cry because she looked so cute.

"God Mac, all my dreams have come true. I got married to a wonderful husband, had a child, and now we're starting the rest of our lives as a family. Nothing could get better then this Mac." she said with a smile. "But sooner or later, we have to get back to NY you know." she said with a smile.
He giggled a little. "Yes she is" he said. "I feel the same way...about all of it." he replied. "All my dreams have come true as well...this is more than I could have ever dreamed of. I'm happier than I ever believed I could be after all I've lost." He gave a sigh. "Unfortuantely, yes...we've got to find a way to pack it up and get back home. Danny and Lindsey also do."
Stella nodded. "Poor Flack and Hawkes must be up to their eyeballs in cases. I won't be there much, but you still have to go back to work Mac." she said as she gestured for her little girl. She wanted to hold her again. She knew this was going to happen. If she didn't have her little girl in her arms every ten minutes, she would panic and wonder what happened.