Crazy Caption Contest

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Mac: What's Stella doing on ""

Mac: Eww, they just had me do WHAT with Danny?

Mac: Great, this one's going physical with her stories....look what she's doing to me here!!! We have to stop this.
Hawkes="Someone's been taking pictures of her during her Pilates class."


Hawkes="Didn't know Stella was that flexible, did ya?"
Hawkes: BOO!


Hawkes: Mac, what in the sam hill are you doing?
Mac: I'm trying to change the desktop background on my computer, darn it!


(Mac is practicing suturing someone's dead body) Mac: Hawkes, am I doing it right?
Hawkes: Uh, no. Exactly the opposite, in fact.
I usually don't post here but.....

Hawkes: "Wow these Fanfic writers are graphic."

Mac: "I know. Look what they have me and you doing together in the locker room...."
Mac: Every time I try to run these fingerprints through the database, I keep getting this popup ad for meeting singles.
Hawkes: Yeah, you need to get the premium membership to skip the ads.
Mac: Forget it. The chief won't put it in the budget.
Mac:(looking at security camera tapes) Hawkes, are Lindsay and Danny doing what I think they're doing in the elevator at a crime scene?

Hawkes: Ooh . . . lemme see! :D
Hawkes: Shoot him, I say! Shoot him! There! And there! There! Shoooooootttt!!!!
Mac: No, Hawkes! How many times do I have to tell you? We have to strategize! We can't simply just go shooting like a mad man!
Hawkes: Groan... this is the last time I'm letting you play Counter Strike...
Mac: Ooh... look, that man just exploded... ewww....
Hawkes: Wow...anyone ever tell you you like just like Lt. Dan?

Mac: Wow...we should really work a case with that group sometime. I mean, is that a hot anthrologist or what? And they've got that holodeck, the one management's too cheap to let us have.
Hawkes: Yeah but check out Booth...might not want to let Stella around him.

Mac: And...
Hawkes: Hello?
Mac: Awwww man, you totally messed up my putt! Look at that, you made me put it in the water!
Sorry..I gotta do this again...too much fun....

Hawkes(whispering)="Dontcha wish yo girlfriend was hot like me..."

Mac="Sheldon, you put that song in my head again and I'll shoot you myself."

(How funny would that be? Mac busting out with the Pussycat Dolls at his desk.--Darn you Hawkes!)
Mac: See, I TOLD you our criminals have been watching too much TV! I saw this last week on Bones!
Flack: Ooh, can we call in Dr.Brennan?
Stella)offscreen)Only if Booth comes too! But if he does, I can't be blamed if I get his clothes off by the time it's over. I wish all FBI guys were that hot...
Mac: If he *weren't* FBI, I think I'd shoot him myself. Not only does he get all the females in Washington fawning over him, he's gotta get my city doing it too!!!

Mac: Says here the guy was offed by a dirty FBI agent and he almost got the anthropologist too.
Stella(OS) Yeah she had a night in shining standard issue FBI body armor. Hmm....I got a knight in shining standard issue NYPD body armor...
greekie527 said:
Hawkes: BOO!


Hawkes: Mac, what in the sam hill are you doing?
Mac: I'm trying to change the desktop background on my computer, darn it!


(Mac is practicing suturing someone's dead body) Mac: Hawkes, am I doing it right?
Hawkes: Uh, no. Exactly the opposite, in fact.

Great! At least all 3 aren't "green captions".... hehe...

Let me give off a final caption for this pic:

Mac: Darn it!
Hawkes: Awww, come on, Mac! It's just a simple game of Minesweeper!

And now, I hand over a new pic:

And my caption for this is:

Mac: (thinking) Okay, Mac. Back to practice. When you confront Danny about Tanglewood, hold him by the neck. Like this.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Mac: Wait a minute! This is a model of Tom Hanks' head...Can't he ever let ME shine for once?, i mean it is MY show...
Mac:(thinking) I wonder what that little indent under the nose is for . . .


Mac: Darn bust. When Stella said I should learn about physical therapy I thought she was going to let me practice on her.
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