Crazy Caption Contest

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Danny: Hey, writers, take it easy, alright? I'm kinda sick of being the one who always gets stuff done to him like being thrown off the Empire State Building or something.
Writers: Empire State Building? . . . Hmm . . . *run off to write next episode*
Danny: Hey!

Yes, lame, isn't it? :)

Wasn't lame to me... Reminded me of King Kong.

Okay, peeps... I think it's about time to change pics:


Mac: It was this big, Stella, I swear.
Stella You interrupted my time in the snow for that?

I dunno. I was bored. :)
<Mac moving his hands in a circular motion twidling his fingers>
"Look into my eyes! You are now a dog!"
<Stella on all fours>
OMG sorry that was so lame.
Mac: So... these are gloves... they are made of latex... you know what I'm trying to tell you? Think, Stell, think...

sorry, that was my first try, maybe next will be better ;)
ha ha ha...I think those are are all's my attempt.

Stella-"Mac, that's disgusting even if it is evidence."

Mac-"Sorry Stella. These hands are too pretty to touch poop."
Mac: This is how she came on to me and let me tell you, I was extremely bothered.
Stella: One of those "you-have-to-be-there" moments?
Mac: ...Yeah. Something like that.
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