Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

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Catherine: Ok, who took these photos?
Keppler: I wasn't the one.
Warrick: I did. Why?
Catherine: These are of me and Keppler in bed together.
Sara: (Off Screen) Wow Rick. Your in hot watter now.
Warrick: Can I leave?
Catherine: Yeah.
Marg: If we threaten to release these photos of the writers, maybe we can get better scripts.


Keppler: Catherine, old habits are hard to lose. These pictures of you were discovered on a DVD of "CSIs Gone Wild."


Keppler: So, it is true. Ecklie really does run around in a pink thong.
Greg: OMG! I hafta gargle with gasoline now! I cannot BELIEVE what I just saw! Hodges and Grissom?? AHHHHH!!!
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