Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

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CSIVegasMiamiNY said:
This aint a cap but that thing he's holding look like that dissolvable condom in the ep er who are you? you know the one that dissolves with body heat!

It is a casting impression of bite markings, which Nick is holding up to the clear plastic. The clear plastic has a traced outline of the bite markings in question from the victim.

I hope that helps :)
MissKraft, didn't the moderator just warn you about multiple postings? You just had 7 in a row that could have been in just one. Beside the Reply button, there is an Edit button that you can use to add more information to your posts within a 24 hour period. I do not want to run the risk of the mods shutting down this fun thread.

<flips forward a few pages>

<flips back a few>

<flips forward>

<flips backward>

< Grissom lets the pages fall slow from his fingertips>

< Grissom looks up for a moment>

Grissom: Greg?!

Greg: <off camera> Yeah?!

Grissom: Could you come here for a moment and read to me your report?! I cannot understand a word in it!

Greg: <still of camera> But I type it, sir!

Grissom: Yes, you did Greg!......
Uhm, no offense, but MissKraft, that's a lot of spam. Like Dynamo1 said, there IS an Edit button. p.s: Not trying to mod or anything, just an observation.

"Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam and eggs, spam and cheese, spam, Oh Glorious Spam." :rolleyes:
MissKraft, I gave you the following warning about spamming, to which you will notice you acknowledged, but then you ignored, Not to mention the Two other non-mods who gave you a heads up about spamming. With this amount I have no choice but to but to give you an "Official Warning, for Excessive Spamming".
Destiny said: MissKraft, please keep in mind that you have 24 hrs on your edit function, if no one posts after you all you have to do is edit your previous post and add additional comments. Double or triple postings are considered spamming. For more we recommend that you see the "Help Guide" tacked at the top of this forum.
MissKraft said:
Hestia said: These are good. we have one of these in the General CSI thread! ^_^
I'll post this one:
(BTW that is Catherine looking at Grissom :))
Cath: Gil?
Gil: <grinning>
Cath: Gil?
Gil: <grin gets wider>
Cath: Okay Gil, spit it out. What is so entertaining to you?

< a small beetle sprouts from Gil's mouth, legs flailing >

Cath: Okay....
Cath: Cute Gil.....
Cath: .....
Cath: You did not just take that beetle from the crime scence, did you?
MissKraft said:
Destiny said: MissKraft, please keep in mind that you have 24 hrs on your edit function, if no one posts after you all you have to do is edit your previous post and add additional comments. Double or triple postings are considered spamming. For more we recommend that you see the "Help Guide" tacked at the top of this forum.
Many sorries :)
MissKraft said:
tanglewood14 said: up...
Sara: Nah, the markings are still not right. Hold still, Jim, I'm going to kiss your cheek agian.

Brass: <rolls eyes>
MissKraft said:
tanglewood14 said:
Greg: <off camera> "Now coming down the runway, three of Las Vegas's finest CSIs, sportting the newest trends in CSI nightwear."

Warrick/Sidle/Grissom: <in various stages of 'ignore Greg' mode>
MissKraft said:
nicksarafan2 said: Nick/Sara
" Humor is the shortest distance between two people." - Victor Borge

First thing which popped into my head after seeing this pic :)
MissKraft said:
Stokes: Hmmm, this bite impression looks a lot like the one on my inner thigh...

Willows: <just walks in> What was that, Nick?

Stokes: <looks up surprised > Oh, nothing. Nothing. Just matching up some bite impressions.....
MissKraft said:
CSIVegasMiamiNY said: This aint a cap but that thing he's holding look like that dissolvable condom in the ep er who are you? you know the one that dissolves with body heat!
It is a casting impression of bite markings, which Nick is holding up to the clear plastic. The clear plastic has a traced outline of the bite markings in question from the victim.

I hope that helps :)
MissKraft said:
Cath: <thinking > If this guy doesn't shut up....

Cath: <still thinking> I wonder if I will be on Gil's suspect list......
MissKraft said:
Sofia: A bit faster, guys. The disgruntled CSI fans are gaining on us, and I do believe those are straight razors they are holding.

Sara: <trying to keep a straight face>

Nick : <through tight lips> ...mommy....
MissKraft said:
MrsGregHSanders said: Why can't I come up with clever stuff like everyone else? :confused:
Aw, you can too <gives a big hug then throws on a thinking cap before anyone notices> :D
Many sorries to all. I did not know what I was doing was against the forums rules. I will go back and read them again. This forum is very different from the ones I have been on. I will not make these same mistakes again.

Again, I am qutie sorry for unknowingly breaking the rules to this wondeful forum :(
MissKraft said: Many sorries to all. I did not know what I was doing was against the forums rules. I will go back and read them again. This forum is very different from the ones I have been on. I will not make these same mistakes again.

Again, I am qutie sorry for unknowingly breaking the rules to this wondeful forum :(
Above you can re-read that I urged you to read the "Help Guide" (which is a mini guide for the rules of the board), located at the top of this forum about spamming, I also told you in the post that you acknowledged that it was considered spamming, when you acknowledged with an apology then you had to know either it was wrong, or there was something wrong because of what I said. -- You are correct this isn't like other boards. ;)
Apology accepted from myself, but so you know the official warning stands. All I can suggest is you read the rules like you said and make sure not to do this again. Thank-you.

Okay everyone lets get back on topic if anyone has a new picture link they would like to restart the game again please go ahead.
CSI Picture 1

Nick: Well, that was interesting.
Sophia: Tell me you didn't just say interesting. That was more like our sheriff and Ecklie in one.
Nick: Gross.
Sophia: Now your talking.

CSI Picture 2

Grissom: Greg, I only have 1 rule for newbies. That rule is don't touch Miss Piggy.

CSI Picture 3

Catherine: Why is it everytime we have a disagreament, you seem to win?
Grissom: I don't know Catherine?
Catherine: Sure you do.
Nick(offscreen): Of course I'm paying attention to where I am!
Catherine: Is that why you're standing on an anthill?
Nick(Still offscreen): Ahhhhhh! *runs away*
(#1 above)

Nick: It is an interesting example of abstract art...

Sophia: Yeah, but the medium stinks!

Nick: True. A painting of "The Scream" done on the side of the barn in Cow Manure does hold a lot to be desired...
Sophia: "so let me get this straight...first you put your left arm in, then you put your left arm out...then the right arm in and you...shake it all about?"


"In the event of an interrogation emergency please notice the emergency exits are located to the left...right next to that large, uniformed officer with the gun."

*first time playing!*
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