Cow Thread - Moo Moo Here and Moo Moo There


Master of the Moos
So...cow thread.
Do you have cows? Or do you just like cows or cow figures or cowstuff? (steaks included) :lol:

I live in a farm. Dairy cattle. Breeds we have.. mostly ayshire, then few holstein-friesians, then one pure Eastern Finncattle and one mixed breed Western Finncattle (ayshire + WFC).

So then we go with a pic.
Our Rosmariini She's 4 yrs old in that pic.
Behind her Samantha (standing) and Silvia.
typical? Geez :p there's nothing typical in black&white cow... not more than brown&white ones :p
First, i love the title! :lol:

i live on a farm too. we have higland cattles and two oxen and their destiny is to be a steak someday. it's sad, but that's life! the funny thing is that in this part of austria (lower austria south of vienna) there are not so much higland cattles. they are more in the mountain regions.

here are the two oxen
Max und Moritz

higland cattles: the white one is shila, the black one is selena and the little one is strolchi. she is only a few hours old on this photo. she was born in august.

higland cattles

more pics tomorrow but i have to go to bed now it's nearly midnight and i have to write an exam tomorrow.
DaWacko said:
typical? Geez :p there's nothing typical in black&white cow... not more than brown&white ones :p

hehe i mean the stereotypical cow colours ;)

steaks - tooo expensive, too meaty
i didnt really eat steaks til i start uni :D.. but then i didnt know you can eat it rare. i still dont
Haha, I believed something that my friend told me once, that cows only sit/lie down when rain is coming. :rolleyes: Yeah, I'm a guillible sucker. :p

And cows are just too freaking cute with their calves. ;)
hahahaha i heard about that
in a festival germany, my friend told me a story..

he and another dude went to push some cows over..he lost his friend for 10mins..then found him, REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY drunk
and i dunno if he did or not :p
I love cows :D

My neighbours across from us have cows and in the summer they let them graze in the field nearest to me, so at dusk or dawn I usually sneak into there and visit them. There's this one who I call "Bessie". I love her. I always bring her some grass from our field as a treat :D


Do you guys remember when they use to show the ads with that cow during the 2004 summer olympics in Athens? They were awesome!
Strange thread but cute! I've always thought I wanna ride on a cow. Have you guys heard that in India, cows are holy and they're everywhere? It's true. They're just like stray cats and dogs. They're everywhere in the streets, in the markets, bazaars, airport, nooks and corners, cows and oxen everywhere. The funny thing is they're mostly either sitting or they're standing as though someone hit the 'pause' button on them. Only sometimes I see them walk and very slowly so I was freaked when a cow started running towards me.

Another time I was having tea at a stall and suddenly there's a huge shadow from behind. I turned and there they were, a group of oxen and cows I dunno like many of them walking in a line. They're HUGE.

But the funniest was when I was at a guest-house. They had a cow shed below the guest-house and one old man insisted I take photos of him with the cows. I didn't want coz there were cow dung everywhere and I didn't wanna step on them but he was a nice old man so I said ok. After his photo session, he asked ME to stand next to the cows and the moment I did, a cow just peed and peed and peed my god! Cow's urine was like a huge pipe that someone forgot to turn off! :eek: I ran off and the old man was laughing :lol:
Well, here's something my friends would be surprised to hear me say: I've had fantasies of living on a farm. The thought of living around animals is just so enticing!

Those cows look healthy. I'd like to milk a cow one day. I love milk and cheese :D.
THIS IS MY SANCTUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not only do i love cows, but i believe cows ARE love. That's right. I don't say 'i love you' i say 'i cow you'. Yes maam. *nods* My favorite cartoon is Cow and CHicken. I even have the song on my computer and on almost all my cds!

In the 7th grade, i made it to the spelling bee. I was standing there, in front of the WHOLE school, on stage. The teacher asked me to spell "bathe" and I looked at one of my friends sitting in the audience and she held up a sign that said... plainly ... "MOO" . Just like that.
I couldn't go on. I started laughing, like a cow. Yes, I laughed like a cow. I wanted to moo into the microphone, but something inside stopped me. IF you must know, i ended up losing the spelling bee, I spelled bathe without an 'e'. I blame the moo. But i've never been happier.
Feel free to post more pics of your moos. And your baas (sheep). and If you have any clucks, post them too.
*starts singing 'Old MacDonald had a farm'* :lol:

I actually have no clue when it comes to cows...all I know is their belching and flatulence is contributing to global warming by adding methane to the atmosphere :p

Other than that...I am kind of scared of cows. We have whole herd of them on a meadow near where I live, and whenever I go walking over there, I always try to give them a wide berth! :lol: Apparently, you should never stand between a cow and water :p

But yes, they are kinda cute :)
inge said:
higland cattles: the white one is shila, the black one is selena and the little one is strolchi. she is only a few hours old on this photo. she was born in august.

higland cattles

:eek: white highland! :eek: I've never seen white highland cattle cow. So pretty. God I love those but too bad we don't have beefcattle.

Most of my pics are from last summer. I just took those, nothing special

Plasma trying to lick my camera

Ursus (baby bull) some 12h old

Then our first pure holstein-friesian
Timantti (=Diamond) she's about 5 months old in that pic.

Then one older pic
He was named after NYPD Blue character Andy Sipowicz :p
That clear blue sky. It's hard to believe that you live in The Fridge or what was the nickname you give.

Baby cows are so cute. I noticed that cows and horses have about the same eyes.