Confessions Thread #2

It's better if I put a lamp over my head and stand in a corner. :lol:
OMG I laugh me silly!!

Confession: I love quotes too! :D Every now and then I'd surf the net for great quotes and copy them down somewhere.
Confession: I went shopping for four hours :)
And it was so much fun :)
But I needed a lot of ice cream to calm down all those nice shoes.
Confession: I have exams in 3 weeks, and i haven't even started studying yet...eep...

but then again, neither have any of the friends that i've talked to...
1: I didn't sleep last night, I lay awake thinking and watched the sun rise... not good for my complexion one bit
2: I should be doing SATs revision right now
3: I haven't had a haircut for nearly a year - me and my memory, failing at 13, tsktsk...
4: I like carrots in ketchup and mustard on ham sandwiches
5: I don't watch soaps, except when my lil sis watches eastenders
6: I am not bothered about what type of music I listen to - any music can be good. I am addicted to 'beep' by the pussycat dolls.
7: I forgot my next confession...
My brother has been getting on my nerves every day this week so i put soap on his tooth brush!His face ,priceless lol im so excited beacuse arsenal won! and were going all the way!!
Makes sense, the dark is scary when you're lost.
Oh, Alexx, yes, anything to avoid the sister! I do stuff just so I don't have to risk an argument with mine, she's so moody.Even sitting in a different room.
Confession #1: I just couldn't hold it in any longer! I might possibly be in a TV show! I went to the auditions (girls only) a couple of weeks ago, and they'll soon be auditioning boys at my school in the next couple of weeks as well, and we don't find out until all the casting has been done.

Confession #2: I like my french and German lessons

Confession #3: My favourite word is ROBE. I just love how it rolls off the tongue.