Come What May, a crossover rp #2

Cath sighed. She hated it when he lied to her. Especailly since she could read him like a book and knew that he was lying straight to her face. She grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her. "Tell me while you're looking straight into my eyes that you're okay." she said. If he could look her in the eye and say that, then her senses were starting to fade.
Calleigh smiled when Horatio returned with breakfast in hand. She took the plate and the glass of wine, setting that on the table as she looked down at the meal. "Wow Horatio, you really know how to treat a woman." she said with a smile as she leaned over and kissed him. "Thank you baby."
Mac had come out of the angiogram and was awake but extremely groggy yet. He was still hating the fact that it'd take so long to find out why he was in this condition. He lay quiet and waited for Stella to come see him.
"Which means.. Keep.. Walkin," Flack said, giving Danny three gentle pushes to accent his words. He soon walked into the hospital, dragging Danny along with him. Flack asked the secretary at the front which room Mac was in, soon going down the hall.
Nick hated when she did that, She knew and he knew he couldn't lie to her, even if he tried, especially into her eyes. Its like she could read his soul with that, He sighed, deciding to tell her the truth, "It just hurts a little" Somewhat.
Horatio smiled, and returned her kiss, and sat down on the bed, and licked his lips, smiling at her, "Your welcome baby, now eat up, I have another surprise for you later" and kissed her forehead, and winked at her, before leaving the bedroom.
Stella walked into Mac's room, and smiled when she saw him, "Hey sweetie, how are you? I was so worried about you" She said as she grabbed his hand.
Danny followed Flack towards Mac's room, he touched Flack's shoulder, "Do you think he's okay?" he asked in almost a whisper.
"I don't know," Flack replied in an equally quiet tone, looking over to Danny for a moment. "Depends what landed him in the hospital in the first place." Flack hoped it wasn't anything too serious, but knowing how Mac was like a ten foot-thick brick wall, it probably was.
Danny nodded, and hoped Mac was alright, and when they got in front of the door, he stopped, and looked at him with fear in his eyes.
Flack looked back at Danny before sighing. "C'mon, he's not contageous," he said flatly before dragging Danny in with him. He looked at Stella and Mac, grinning. "You rang, masters?" Flack soon looked at Mac, studying the man for a second.
Stella raised up out of the chair she was in, and smiled at both Danny and Flack, and gave them each a hug.
Danny returned her hug, and gave Flack a look over her shoulder, and smiled into it, then pulled away so she could hug Flack.
Flack hugged Stella in return, holding her tightly for a moment. "Feelin' okay?" he asked her quietly, exchanging looks with Danny for a second.
Calleigh tilted her head to the side as she ate one of the strawberries. What was the surprise? She ate her meal and then got changed, wondering what she should wear in case he was going to take her to some fancy resturaunt. She finally gave up on choosing herself and then yelled out to him, "What should I wear?"
Catherine smiled. She always got him with that. "I knew it." she told him as she reached her hand down to his wound and rubbed it lightly. "Now what is the big deal? You can tell me these things Nick." she said.
Stella nodded, "Yeah" She replied honestly, and lead them over to Mac.
Danny looked at Mac for a minute, titling his head to the side, just looking at him.
Horatio thought about it for a minute, and yelled back, "A light dress!" He smirked. He was going to take her someplace special to him.
Nick sighed, "Its no big deal, Cat, Really" and kissed her forehead, and wrapped his arms around her.
Flack nodded to Stella before following her over. He stood relatively close to Danny, albeit he was looking at Mac. "I wouldn't have known anything was wrong if it wasn't for the intravenus," he said quietly, spying what one of the bags said. Blood thinners. Flack's back straigtened, looking at Mac closely. He didn't notice any of Mac's features drooping due to a stroke so then he drew the next connection, eyes widening. Myocardial infarction.
It was soon that Flack lept into a flurry of questions, his hands resting on the side of the bed. "You had a heart attack didn't you? Are you okay? Did you get the results back? Where did this happen and when?" Needless to say.. Flack was deeply concerned.
Danny looked at Flack, and took a step towards the bed as well, "Mac?" wanting to know the answers just as much as Flack.