Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

bubbles said:
And how sweet would it be to see them in their robes on the bed chatting about everything and nothing. I agree it would be hot :drool:.

That's what I'm talking about.:D They would chat about everything and nothing like you said. It could be so innocent or it could lead to 'other things' :evil:

I wonder who would dominate in the boudouire? heheheehe

Now you got me thinking naughty thoughts!:devil: Well, I'd like to think that they both fight for dominance in bed :devil::drool: and depending on the mood one of them will surrender!

A few days ago I watched Slaves of Las Vegas and the look on Cath's face when she sees Heather for the first time is one of awe. I bet she thought, what a strong beautiful woman. If only I had screencaps. And later on when they talk about their jobs? I just love that scene. Instand bonding.

And the robe idea would be awesome. So much better then seeing Grissom in one :( You know if Heather should return they could show the two of them in a café chatting about their (grand)children. Wouldn't that be awesome. Then some meaningful looks could be exchanged and Cath could ask Heather if she'd like her to drive her home ... :eek:
A few days ago I watched Slaves of Las Vegas and the look on Cath's face when she sees Heather for the first time is one of awe. I bet she thought, what a strong beautiful woman. If only I had screencaps. And later on when they talk about their jobs? I just love that scene. Instand bonding.

And the robe idea would be awesome. So much better then seeing Grissom in one :( You know if Heather should return they could show the two of them in a café chatting about their (grand)children. Wouldn't that be awesome. Then some meaningful looks could be exchanged and Cath could ask Heather if she'd like her to drive her home ... :eek:

I love SoLV, I watch it at least once a month lol (sad):D. Heather opens the door, and I think at first it's shock that they all think, but after a nanosecond Cath is entranced. I just love it. And I also watched TGTBATD last night, and Cath looks so worried about Heather, you're just not that worried about someone that you just 'know'.

I love your idea too. I can see them chatting in a cafe (kind of like Booth and Brennan in Bones) that's the kinda scene I'm picturing now. And they'd just listen to each other, totally interested in every word the other has to say. And then when Cath drives her home, Heather would invite her in for a coffee. :devil:
I would watch Slaves of Las Vegas more often, but I lent my Season 2 DVD set to my sister. Darn :rolleyes:

They had a connection for sure. They felt comfortable around each other from the beginning. Both ladies realized they weren't that different from each other.
I need to come here more often.:rommie: I haven't been here in a long time.

I was actually thinking of writing a one-shot were the 2 women meet in a coffee shop. Haven't decided whether it would be friendship or slash, but I thought it was freaky when I popped into here and saw posts suggesting the same thing.

I know it's been brought up somewhere else, but I would have loved to have seen a Catherine Lady heather scene at the hospital.

Maybe some creative soul out there can write an a/u?:p

I don't know if this has been said (apologies if it has) but Catherine doesn't seem like someone who's easily impressed. At least not to me. But there was definitely something about LH's presence, aura (whatever you want to call it) that grabbed her attention and kept it.

For some reason the talk about robes made me think of a spa. I could imagine the 2 of them taking a week-end off, going somewhere far from Vegas and allowing themselves to be pampered and primped. And then of course retiring to their hotel room for activities that are not pg-13. :devil:

Or for something a little more family oriented, they could bring Allison and Lindsey along. Maybe go to Disney.
OMG, I was just picturing Heather at Disney. Somehow I can't picture her as a grandmother, I know, a hip grandmother, but still. It will take time for that idea to be not "funny" to me (and that really wasn't a grammatically correct sentence!).

Anyway, please write that story, friendship or not, I'd really like to read it.

And yes, it's too bad that Sara was in hospital with Heather and not Cath but we got Catherine talking, no, awing about Heather before that, so everything's fine!

And you're right, Cath's not very easily impressed by people, but Heather ... :drool::drool:
umbrello, i'd love to read that fic if you write it.

I also would have loved to have seen a Cath/Heather scene in the hospital, but I guess it wasn't to be. The scene when Heather was going into the ambulance was quite good though. And when Cath is talking to Sara about Lady Heather, all good points ;)

I agree that Cath's not easily impressed, and that something about Heather caught her straight away, and she was impressed almost straight away.

And I agree love_fan, that it's strange to think of Lady Heather in somewhere like Disney, but it'd be sweet (once I get my head totally around it). And just think, Lindsey will be old enough to look after Allison and Cath and Lady Heather could have a nice night out to themselves.
I'm putting this in the spoiler box just in case...

Lady Heather is to return for an episode. Although she is going to spend most of her time with Grissom. (Which I also love :luvlove: ) I say that Heather needs to spend some time with Catherine too. They had a connection right from the start. It was different from Heather and Grissom, something only women can share. I'd love to see them explore Cath and LH's relationship a bit more on the show.

I'm sure there are some writers that would explore their relationship other that what we would see on the show as well... that would be so HOT! :drool:
Interesting. Imagine if those writers were the main ones on the show ;) Now that would be awesome.

Anyway, I can't wait till season 9...
It's been awfully quiet here. :alienblush:

Maybe it's a dumb idea. But I couldn't help wondering, what if they had met earlier. Instead of becoming a csi, Catherine had gone into business with Lady Heather?
It's been very quiet around here.

I actually like your idea. I mean with Cath's previous employment she'd know certain tricks of the trade. Also, imagine the partnership they'd form, both strong women, they'd be unstoppable in business. I'd really like to see that (in a fic or something). They'd be an awesome business pairing, with the personal involvements too ;)
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That's why I like this ship.
Both ladies have a connection. They don't judge each other or I don't think they ever would.

Cath's former profession would help her in so many ways. She's good with people and doesn't take much stuff from anybody. Heather wouldn't judge her on that, in fact, it would only be an asset.

And again, how hot would both of them look in leather??? :drool: :p
They would bring in an awful lot of business just being in charge if anybody had seen them both in leather. That would just be so hot. And the strong minds they both have would mean no-one would mess with them, they could take on anyone, and turn guys to putty, so, they'd have one awesome business venture.:drool:

Another thought, which is not as hot because doesn't involve them in leather lol, but what do you think their relationship would be like should Heather somehow start working for the crime lab? I mean Grissom did say she could work for him:lol:
I could imagine her as a consultant. Well, I can imagine her as everything ...

Anyway, I guess, Cath would be a bit defensive at the beginning, makes for a lot of tension, which is always good.:thumbsup:
They'd probably have some minor fights but somehow they'd end up sitting in the break room having coffee.

I could also see them together in Cath's office, talking about a case while sitting together on the sofa, very close, and closer ... :devil::drool:
What I see is Grissom being insanely jealous. It was he that said that Heather could work for him and then... Heather and Catherine get closer and closer... Now that would be a sight. :p

Heather is so good at reading people, she would have no trouble in the lab, at least with the suspects and such.
I can see Cath and Heather discussing cases and having minor disagreements over not the evidence, but the human side of it.
I'd love to see that, and a jealous Grissom would be very interesting. Imagine the 3 of them on a case, and Grissom totally not understanding much of the human feelings behind the case, and Cath and Heather just being totally engrossed in it that Grissom kinda felt left out. That'd be interesting. It'd also be interesting to see how they'd be with their work based disagreeements, how they'd solve them etc.