Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

I liked it Lionheart
You think Mike fell in love with Cath? Probably
that's why he kept saying "I'm sorry."
He probably wanted to tell her everything but he wound up saving her life instead.
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

I saw the interview when it came on tv. I was late for school, so I got to see all of it. I don't remember him talking about his character hardly at all, which, then, I was disappointed and didn't want to listen to some actor :) I just wanted to hear about "the new guy". You can probably find some article Online that has the full interview.
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

I haven't been here in a while

I have a question... do you think she went to his funeral?
I'm sure Grissom would have let her go, she did say Mike came down on the side of good

and we (the audience) if not others, could see how attracted she was to him.

it is just a thought ;)
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

Oh yeah, she definitely went to his funeral. Honestly, it would be kind of strange if she didn't, I would think. Also, I'm not sure it would've been a matter of Grissom letting her go. Haha, she would've gone with or without his say so. Grissom isn't that heartless, of course.

I wonder if it would be too bold to say she spoke a few words at the ceremony. I mean, do we know of any family Keppler had outside of Amy and Frank, both of whom are now dead? It's easy to assume only a small party of witnesses attended the burial, given what little we know of his past. Catherine would've been the best person to speak about his last few days and the good he managed to evoke in the end.
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

^I bet Catherine would have gone to the funeral, regardless of Grissom's approval.

Catherine was the only one that got to know him, and it would be appropriate if she said something. I think she would say something short and sweet, something that would bring tears to our eyes and make us think.

Anyone up for writing a one-shot fanfic revolving around this? LOL. :D
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

I bet so too. She does her own thing regardless of what Grissom says sometimes. ;)

I bet she went to the funeral too. She is the only one who got know him that well.
and yes something short and sweet along those lines that would make us tear up. Too bad TPTB didn't show that.. :eek:

and as I said on the Liev Thread, Keppler is a 'tormented,full of secrets, tortured' man. Cath saw that or began to see that and still liked him.
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

^So true. I wish TPTB would do a funeral scene. It doesn't have to be big or anything. Just something to honor Keppler.

Yep. Catherine definetly saw that Keppler was full of secrets.
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

forensics_girl said:

Anyone up for writing a one-shot fanfic revolving around this? LOL. :D

Well, I wrote a one-shot, just not about this! I needed something a bit on the lighter side. Hope you enjoy! It's here.
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

so, here is another question..

do you think they would have had a 'relationship' had he not died?
Do you think if he told her everything that she would still want to be with him?
and that he would switch to the Graveyard shift to be with her? Or head back to Balitmore?

Just questions since this ship had LOTS of possibilities
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

do you think they would have had a 'relationship' had he not died?

The fangirl in me would scream Of course! If I had to be more realistic, I'd say Cath would be cautious. The events in LoG were so crazy, had he lived, she would have had a lot to consider: a) the baggage he was carrying b) amy and his affections for her c) whether or not she would want to help him deal with Frank's death d) that small matter of murdering an innocent man back in Jersey

Do you think if he told her everything that she would still want to be with him?

I dunno. It would depend on when he decided to spill the beans. Had he been straight up from the very beginning, she wouldn't have known him well enough. Might have made her suspect his motives. Had he told her about these things haunting him between Meet Marker and Law of Gravity, she might still have been wary but would've known him to be a fairly trustworthy man up to this point.

Oh and he would def switch to Graveyard. Baltimore held too many bad memories.
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

the fangirl in me says YES too. But Cath would have be very cautious. She didn't immediatly go running back to Adam Novak when he tried to make ammends.

It's obvious that she was very attracted to him (Keppler) and him to her. (I'm still wondering if that was the writers plan or they wrote that in after they were on screen together??)

Anyway, he does have alot of baggage and Cath doesn't readily go for the needy type either. She might be willing to let him in if he would be willing to open up to her and be honest about Frank, and Amy and about the guy in Jersey.

That's my opinion of their relationship if he was to have lived
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

I think that they would have had a relationship IF HE HAD LIVED. *scoffs*

No, seriously, I mean, they got along so well, and there was a lot of chemistry there. It would have naturally progressed into something, right?

But Keppler does seem to have a "Proceed with caution" sign over his head. Catherine will probably have to get him to open up to her first before anything happens.

But that's just me. :D
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

I agree. Catherine isn't the type to have 'needy' men around her and he does have a 'proceed with caution' sign above his head (as you say forensics girl) but they did have lots of chemistry between them.

They did have a 'date' or something like that when they went out after shift (I think it was Meet Market right??)
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

Well, I'll call it a date. *giggles* Althought, I'm sure it was mostly intended to be a "commiserating, let's share our feelings on the last case" drink. Still. I'm gonna be all fangirl and call it a date. It was a date. They were on a date. :devil: