Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

Re: Catherine and Keppler

keich said:
It's nice to know I'm not alone in this one. :)

I really like those two. I like how Cath seemed to be trying to suppress her emotions or something like that. And Mike certainly thought she was special (IMO) since she was the one he called and semi-poured his heart out to. I cried too when he died.

Oh yeah, Mike definitely considered her something special! Then again, Catherine was the only one who trusted him throughout. It only made sense to call her. :D

Soooo, I think there are more yes's for the "faking it" line over the other two. So, I'll PM a mod and ask for the change to Catherine/Keppler #1 "Not Used To Faking It".
Re: Catherine and Keppler

It's been awhile. Missed last Thursday's episode, but I saw the one before that, "Monster in the box," I think Keppler and Catherine would have really clicked, had he lived. It was sweet how Cath defended his innocence when she talked about him to Grissom. I sniffled... :(
Nick seemed a little bitter still, though, I loved how everyone just stared at him after he made that comment, "It's been known to happen," or something like that when he was talking about bad cops. It seemed like everyone in the room was thinking, "Nick, fool!" LOL :devil:
I have some catching up to do. Before Keppler had come on the show, I hadn't been watching. I had grown board with it. Keppler really added something freash, and the show really pulled me in again when he showed up. It was a great idea to bring him in. And Schreiber played his tortured soul so well. sigh... :p
The last episode I saw before "Sweet Jane" was the one where Greg got the snot beat out of him. How long ago was that? XD
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

Hm, Fannysmackin' was like the third or fourth episode of the season? I might be wrong, but it was fairly early on. If you wanna catch up on all things Keppler, I think persons with digital cable can catch the last four weeks worth of CSI or on the web, Innertube has them, right? You'd have to check on that.

I had still been watching CSI with just as much enthusiasm before Keppler, but his character made me love the show even more. I think his relationship with Catherine was unique, compared to the other relationships that we've grown to love over the years. What it lacked in longevity, it more than made up for in sincerity and respect. Whether anyone saw it was a strong friendship or possible romantic one, they clicked right away. I'll miss their dynamic, but hopefully fanfic will fill the void.

Edit: Yay! Thread name changed! Thanks MiamiDade!
Re: Catherine and Keppler

ik,Schreiber should never have his hair so shaved down (referring to smoking Liev pic).

edog- I saw your fic a while ago and never reviewed. So: I liked it, it was sad, and it was a cool idea! XD Official review coming soon! (but it will probably say the same thing, sense I suck at reviewing).

Edit: The only episode I didn't see of Keppler was the second one, I think it was "Meat Market."
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

edog- I saw your fic a while ago and never reviewed. So: I liked it, it was sad, and it was a cool idea! XD Official review coming soon! (but it will probably say the same thing, sense I suck at reviewing).

Thanks for reading! I enjoy feedback in any form, so "official" reviews are pretty, but you've said enough here. :D So thank you!
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

The story also reminded me of the Grey's Anatomy episode I skipped CSI to watch on Thursday. I enjoy a little supernatural stuff here and there, and I think it was refreshing to see something different on the Cath/Keppler fics I've been seeing around were Catherine just thinks of what could have been. Completely one-sided.
What do you think on a pairing name? I like KeWii
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

"What do you think on a pairing name? I like KeWii"

I was going to put KeWi in my fic summary,but I didn't think that ppl would get it.I like it though.It has a ring. ^_^
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

To be honest, not a big fan of the "ship name" thing, so I probably won't put in much input on that. Whatever people come up with will be fine with me.

I made a few icons of Keppler (different variations on the same cap) and a Keppler/Cath icon. You can find those here.
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

You have a livejournal!Awesome,my name on there is also Lionheart07,friend me.Love the icons BTW.

Bad news guys.My beta quit on me cuz she found out there would be smut in future chapters.I have another beta on the line from the UK,but she said the US is ahead of them in episodes.Anyone here live in the UK that could tell me what episode you're on?Anyone,I'm still trying to get the update posted,once again w/o a beta,but I might not get it is all.

I watched Liev's second movie that he was in, 'Mixed Nuts'.OMG,so funny.It was a Steve Martin movie,and in it,Liev plays a cross-dressing gay guy.Once you see the hottest guy in a dress,you have a whole new outlook on him. LOL,really though,he was brilliant in it.I recommaned it to anyone looking for a laugh.
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

You have been friended.

Also, there is a beta thread here. Beta Thread Maybe someone there will be willing. There is also a livejournal community. CSI Betas @ LJ

As for Liev movies, I just bought The Omen and loved it! Usually, dark, thriller, scary is not my kind of thing, but somehow, Liev made that acceptable :lol:

It's kind of interesting, watching Liev in The Omen. I got Keppler vibes during certain moments. That tortured, inner turmoil vibe. That quality drew me in on CSI. I wonder if Cath picked up on this inner turmoil before he became a suspect in Law of Gravity. I guess it's safe to say she didn't. She mostly commented on his weird habits, like referring to himself in the first person while profiling a killer.
Re: Catherine and Keppler

You hear? XD Liev's gonna be a daddy! Wonder what the kid will look like. I hope it's a boy, another Schreiber hottie to oogle at.
I've never seen his brother act before. Is he as good? Maybe he should make some guest appearance on CSI to shake things up. That would actually make a good story line, I can see it now; would they be suspicious of a Keppler brother? Why would he be there? Would Cath get emotional?
yum...plot twists

Ya know, I wouldn't mind coauthering something with somebody, but with such sparatic (sp?) online times, It would never get done.
I've already written a one shot fic, but I don't really have time to type it up right now. Oh well, your not missing much, its just more of the same.
I'll try to post some other time. :cool:
Re: Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

Lionheart07 said:
You have a livejournal!Awesome,my name on there is also Lionheart07,friend me.Love the icons BTW.

Bad news guys.My beta quit on me cuz she found out there would be smut in future chapters.I have another beta on the line from the UK,but she said the US is ahead of them in episodes.Anyone here live in the UK that could tell me what episode you're on?Anyone,I'm still trying to get the update posted,once again w/o a beta,but I might not get it is all.

I watched Liev's second movie that he was in, 'Mixed Nuts'.OMG,so funny.It was a Steve Martin movie,and in it,Liev plays a cross-dressing gay guy.Once you see the hottest guy in a dress,you have a whole new outlook on him. LOL,really though,he was brilliant in it.I recommaned it to anyone looking for a laugh.

hey we're getting Burn Out for tonights epi