Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

Re: Catherine and Keppler

LOL...I can see why you had some trouble writing that Lionheart07! And I can't wait to see what your new 'idea' for the fic is gonna be!

The scream trilogy? He's in that? Interesting...

As for a new thread name? I'm not very I'll leave the thinking to you creative people! But I love "Not used to faking it". :D
Re: Catherine and Keppler

“So, I’m thinking about showing Lindsay how to exotic dance.”

“She’ll like that,” he said again without looking up.

Was this on the show too or only in the fanfic?

I can't remember. I'm confused LOL
Re: Catherine and Keppler

of course it was in the show! when they faked the crime scene and catherine said "i'm not used to fake it!" and keppler said "when was the last time you had to?" with that smirk on his face


if that's what you meant milkyway :lol:
Re: Catherine and Keppler

here's another picture I found
Cath is very smitten with him right off the bat
and **sorry to be a 'wet blanket guys** but we need to have AT LEAST THREE lines of posting in each post

Re: Catherine and Keppler

Ooo, go off to class for a day and come back to find pics posted! yay, love the smirk! thanks cathwillows!

Also, another wonderful cap, hhunter!
Re: Catherine and Keppler

Hey everyone! Barrowed Scream trilogy from a friend,but they are on VHS,and there are only very very crappy speacial features at the end of Scream 2.Liev had a cute moment that concerned his dog 'Chicken' on the stage,but that was it.He also did this totally awesome happy run.Heheh,I love that.Anyway,here are some pics from Scream...

^^^Stalker Liev

^^^Talking Liev

^^^This isn't from Scream,but its amazing

There aren't many of him from Scream.Oh well,enjoy those.
Re: Catherine and Keppler

Looking at those stills, I now remember him from Scream. I watched the first one, not the other two. Great pics, thanks for sharing!

Here's a bit more love for us to oogle at.

I was also thinking a bit more on thread names, if we're still discussing that at all. haha.
Catherine/ Keppler #1 "Not Used To Faking It"
Catherine/Keppler #1 "Let Me Help You" (cath and keppler's last phone convo)
Catherine/Keppler #1 "Cross-Country Love" (referring to where Keppler came from, Baltimore, traveling all the way to Vegas)
Re: Catherine and Keppler

I like the Cross country love title
I like the idea of Cath having a long distance relationship I personally think we have seen enough Cath drama on CSI so if she has a nice subtle quiet relationship that would be fine with me... but unfortunatly, he's dead

we can always remind ourselves what could have been right??

I seem to be shipping Catherine with men who are not around :eek:
maybe because she likes her space and he would give it to her since he seems like a private person
Re: Catherine and Keppler

LOL...I love all those ideas...but I'm leaning towards "Not used to faking it"...It their "line", if you know what I mean.

Yes...what could have been...*sigh*

So, when are we going to change the thread name?
Re: Catherine and Keppler

Hey everyone.

I know I haven't posted anything in a few days,but I've been checking up on this thread.I like the "i'm not use to faking it" line.Yay!I casted my vote.

Anyway,I don't have school on Wednsday,so I'll probably update the fic then with two chapters.I dunno,it depends on where it is a good idea to break when I write it.It's very possible that I won't have school on Monday,so if thats the case,I can update then too.We're suppose to get an ice storm.YAY!

Also,I found something that will make all of you very very happy.

Wonderful site.You can't copy or save pics tho.I was kinda bummed,but I guess he is involved with the site.Rock.
Re: Catherine and Keppler

It's nice to know I'm not alone in this one. :)

I really like those two. I like how Cath seemed to be trying to suppress her emotions or something like that. And Mike certainly thought she was special (IMO) since she was the one he called and semi-poured his heart out to. I cried too when he died.
Re: Catherine and Keppler

If you would like a thread name added, just request the one you would like, and one of us Mods will add it in for you. :)