Catherine and Keppler #1: Not Used To Faking It

Re: Catherine and Keppler

Particularly, I think Keppler was kinda hot and Catherine had the hots for him, I cried when he died.
Re: Catherine and Keppler

"Oh no! Please please PLEASE write a chapter fic about these two! You sound like a really good writer! Don't give up! *runs off to find a beta* LOL. If it's just 'creepy', then I'll go check it out. I think I can handle 'creepy'. "

Lol,thanks for the confidence.Thanks for helping me with my beta problem too.

The speacial features on the Omen are ok too.There is this part w/ Liev right before he has to do the scene were he gets attacked by these giant dogs:You see this dog with a huge metal muzzle on,then the camera pans over to Liev,the director,and David Thewlis (the guy that plays Lupin in the Harry Potter movies).Then you hear this growling,and this a really loud crack and Liev says "I'm not going to do that." And the way he says it is hilarious.Then you see a stunt guy with one of those arm protector things on,like they use to train police dogs with,only this one is metal,and the dog comes running at him and rips it off.The camera pans back over to the three guys,and David and the director are behide Liev smirking at each other,and Liev is just like "Interesting."Its really funny,because those dogs are so evil.There is also something with his watch too.Anyway,what Liev had to do was have his arm hanging over this iron fence,and the dog had to grab his arm and pull down.Well,in one of the takes,the dog pulled down on his arm so hard that it cracked a rib.The director talks about it on the commentary.The sad thing is,right after that day,he had to a scene where he is running,carrying a kicking,screaming child.Yeah,talk about bad luck.There is a shot of them that is actually in the movie where is grimances.That was real pain.Liev seems like a really cool guy in real life too.

"yes do write a fic, I'd love to read what everyone else interpitation of their relation would be

I had a fic come to me too, about how it only too a look from her to him to know that she was captivated by him
and he didn't have to tell her to go along with the Reverse Forensics she would have done it anyway for him
you know "as long as we catch the bad guy.."

I really didn't want to like this ship as much as I do either ... "

Awesome,if you end up writing it,please let me know!I tried to finish my smutty one that I started,but my creativity is gone.*sigh* Its good in the beginning,but then...blah.If you guys want a chaptered one,alright,but it will be dramatic and angsty,thats what I'm good at.Also,in my fics,I usually kill off a main character...but I hated the way Keppler died,so they might still be alive...or will they...dumdumdum!!!
Re: Catherine and Keppler

Cool! hhunter, I would LOVE to read your fan fic! Sounds great!

Lionheart07, don't you just love it when you see a really serious character laugh about something? I love watching bloopers of my favourite actors. There isn't a lot out there of the CSI actors though. Anyway, I'll go see if they have the Omen in my DVD shop. I've been pretty busy so I'll go as soon as I'm free.

And as for the whole "Killing off a main character...or will I" thing? You are just cruel! Don't leave me hanging here woman! Now you HAVE to write this fanfic cause you got me too excited! Hope your creativity comes back! :D
Re: Catherine and Keppler

ok ladies I'll get on it right away :D

I wish they didn't have to kill him either
it would be interesting to see how they would do it
Cath having a 'relationship' either romantic or other
in the show
now that we know that Gris and Sara are together I wonder if they would do the same thing with Cath and Keppler?

Just a thought
Re: Catherine and Keppler

It would be great if someone would write a Cat/Keppler M rated fanfic, now that would be fun, the shower scene.
*pours cold shower over herself*
Re: Catherine and Keppler

It's nice to know that I'm not the only person that saw this pairing. It was so sad in the end when he had to die. You could really see that it broke Cath's heart.

I'm with you on the fanfic. Has anyone seen ANY fic with this couple?
Re: Catherine and Keppler

hhunter said:ok ladies I'll get on it right away :D

Yay! Thanks hhunter! I'm SO excited now!

csiviper said:
It would be great if someone would write a Cat/Keppler M rated fanfic, now that would be fun, the shower scene.
*pours cold shower over herself* that would be fun! LOL! :devil:
Re: Catherine and Keppler

AH!I am mad.I wrote you guys a long narrative paragraph,complete w/ pix of Liev,and it wouldn't let me post it.Bear with me while I try to do this again.

Okay,I bought Manchurian Candidate,and it is very awesome.You guys must watch that if you want to see some good Liev acting.I haven't got to watch all of the speacial features on it,but I did watch the "Liev Schreiber Screening Test." It gets very funny toward the middle.It is a rehersal for a scene w/ Liev and Meryl Streep in it.They start to go off script a little.Streep is in the middle of her line,"This is why voters love you," and she kinda laughs in the middle of it,causing Liev to smile a little.She must have said something else to him because there is a pause and Liev smiles,and turns his head and covers his mouth so you can't see it...but you can (bwahahah).Anyway,Streep continues with,"It's your humanity and everything."Liev,at this point,is facing her again,and is attempting to get serious again,but then Streep gets him with "I never projected humanity,"and he laughs at that.Now,wether this was scripted or not,I don't know,but Liev says "I think telling the people you want to roundup all the towelheads and throw them in deep pits probably tips your hand a bit." While he is saying this,Streep is feebly attemping to cover his mouth.They get serious again,and Streep says something about the food she was eating,and Liev is like "Its steak...stuffed with oysters." And Streep attempts to feed some to him and says "Try it,its an absolute sexual expirence," or something like that.Ah,so worth watching.

Now then,I dunno how to get pictures on here,so here are some URLs of pics of Liev:

^^^Semi-shirtless Liev

^^^Angry Liev

Wet Liev

^^^Bearded Live

^^^No words to describe this,oh wait,yea there new signature.
Re: Catherine and Keppler

Hi Lionheart07. Just to let you know that your signature banner is too large. The maximum allowed size is 220 x 75 pixels (like CSI_Slasher's at the top of the page, for example).

Also, you can only post pictures as images once you reach 100 posts. Up until then, you will need to post them as links (like you have been doing). :)
Re: Catherine and Keppler

YAY loved the idea of this pairing
How HOTT is Liev omg fainted at some of those pics
The idea of that fanific is very appealing someone with some writning talent please help us lol
Re: Catherine and Keppler

CSI_Slasher said:
It's nice to know that I'm not the only person that saw this pairing. It was so sad in the end when he had to die. You could really see that it broke Cath's heart.

I'm with you on the fanfic. Has anyone seen ANY fic with this couple?

I wrote one, post LoG. Um, has some if you sift through it all. They are mostly one shots, though. I'm fairly certain I can post the link to my story, since it's under PG-13.

Re: Catherine and Keppler

"I wrote one, post LoG. Um, has some if you sift through it all. They are mostly one shots, though. I'm fairly certain I can post the link to my story, since it's under PG-13."

That was you!I loved that fic!Great job!

"Also, you can only post pictures as images once you reach 100 posts. Up until then, you will need to post them as links (like you have been doing)."

Lol,that explains a lot.Thanks though,I resized the pic.

BTW:Liev's brother,Pablo Schreiber is in the Manchurian Candidate too.There is a little resemblience to Liev,I have a pic below of him.

^^^Liev's brother,Pablo Schreiber

^^^Smoking Liev

^^^Happy Liev

^^^Directing Liev

^^^ O_O Macbeth Liev

^^^ SHIRTLESS swimming Liev

^^^Rugged Liev

^^^Acting Liev
Re: Catherine and Keppler

Wow. That was really good edog! I loved how you ended sad. I just wish there were some more out there that weren't one shots.

Oh BTW,edog : I love your banner! Keppler rocks!

Lionheart07: How's the fanfic going? I LOVED shirtless Liev and happy Liev. Didn't really like smoking Liev though...the moustache, you know? Didn't work for Nick, and it doesn't work for Liev either! But that's just me....*hides from moustache-Leiv-loving people*
Re: Catherine and Keppler

"How's the fanfic going? I LOVED shirtless Liev and happy Liev. Didn't really like smoking Liev though...the moustache, you know? Didn't work for Nick, and it doesn't work for Liev either! But that's just me....*hides from moustache-Leiv-loving people* "

That reminds me,tomorrow I don't have school,I'm getting up early for you people to write you guys a preview of what you can expect from the fic.Early for me is like 1:00 PM tho,so yea...If I have a writers block tomorrow,I will post an apology to let you know.

Also,I hate the moustache too.I read somewhere that he had to grow it for a play,and right after the play was over he shaved it off and said that he hated it because women hated it.Lol,classic guy.