Cath/ Wendy Slash

Oh yeh that was awesome! Was it lab rats? Or another time as well. It seems to be happening quite a bit in season 8, which is awesome, i can't wait for season 9. And Wendy doesn't really like Hodges, she's just being friendly, he'd be soo jealous if he knew how much Wendy asks after Cath.
Agree bubbles! She's just very nice to him. But well, c'mon, Hodges not deserves such a great woman like Wendy. She's pretty, has a very good character and again she's very pretty. Sorry, Hodges, no chance:lol:

It was said that Wendy and Hodges will have romance. I know, it's spoiler so that doesn't mean it'll be true. But this thing scared me a little bit. No Wendges, just no! But 'cause I like drama (sorry, sometimes I'm mean even to myself, lol) maybe Wendy he'll go with to a restaurant to have a real date. I know, it's bad, but well, she can do that cause of pity or something. Anyway, it's dark scenario, but... Wendy can't hide her true feelings and Hodges is not blind. Wendy and Cath had so strong chemistry. So I'll again repeat myself. Hodges, no chance!:lol:

lol, I hope that what I wrote have some sense.
Where did you read that? Ergh...

I agree Wendy and Cath have some serious chemistry, whenever Cath goes into DNA you can just feel the tension. And with Wendy constantly asking where Cath is ;)
Oh, I loved her so in Labrats. She looked so hot and the way she couldn't get fast enough on the phone with Cath? Awesome :thumbsup:

There's no way, Wendy's attracted to Hodges, she was only nice to him in Labrats but I'm afraid TPTB will push that "attraction" between them :(. But I like your idea Deirdre. Since Hodges is pretty much obsessed with her he could notice her staring at Cath or Cath staring at her. He could confront her and she'd admit her love for Cath. Now that is a storyline I could live with!! :drool: :devil:
Oh, I loved her so in Labrats. She looked so hot and the way she couldn't get fast enough on the phone with Cath? Awesome :thumbsup:

And this beautiful face expression!:thumbsup: It was so obvious...;)

Bubbles - if I good remember it was from Ausiello. From some interview.

Love fan, sadly I must agree with this part where TPTB will push all Wendges thing:( But I really hope that my idea will live there, lol. Would be nice to see how Hodges is understanding that Wendy "likes" in lab someone else...:devil:
Wendy doesn't like Hodges, she likes Cath...

I like your idea though, Hodges can notice the staring and call her on it. I wonder how he'd react?

I don't think he'd like it one bit. I'm not sure if he'd be supportive or not either, I think he'd feel a bit 'oh well i wasted my time.
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Sorry, I've edited my post now. I didn't know the 3 lines was within the whole of shipper central, and didn't really think about how I was being slightly negative. It's better now.

On another note, I found some more small Cath/Wendy fics the other day. Only small ones, one-shots, but hey, it's something, especialyl after the way Sara's_Girl you've left us hanging!! I loved the update by the way, and left a review :D I hope you update soon.

My writing brain is still on some beach, whilst I'm here...
I wish it would come back from the beach!

I do hope Sara's Girl updates soon too!!

What fics did ya find? Even one shots can be fun! Esp. considering the short supply we have!
At p&p. i'd already read a couple but there were more than i thought which is good. Some are like Sara/Sofia with Cath/Wendy, which obviously isn't as good, but I'm going to read them with our short supply. Have you written anymore?

I'm finding time hard at the moment to update my existing fics, never mind start one lol, but I'm hoping to have some time next week, but I can't promise. I was just getting into writing too!

I can't wait for an update to staring. And that Cath staring at Wendy screenshot is so perfect for it.
Dang, I've read those already. Oh well, I'll just have to wait for Staring to get updated...Nudge, nudge...and stare at that icon for awhile LOL

No, the plot bunnies haven't been attacking me with Candy ideas lately :(
Dang, I've read those already. Oh well, I'll just have to wait for Staring to get updated...Nudge, nudge...and stare at that icon for awhile LOL

You lot are terrible! lol. Give you one update and now...:lol: Ok, I'm not going to take 2 months to update this time I promise. As soon as I finish my Nick/Greg chaptered thing (and there are only 2 left to write) I will write chapter 3 for Staring :D Ok?

Thanks everyone for having so much enthusiasm for it, it's very cool, and also thanks for the lovely lovely reviews!

As for the thing, that was being discussed, doesn't mean we won't get our subtext! For the most part, slash ships survive on subtext anyway, so TPTB can do what they like but we shall see the fantastic chemistry between these two whatever they might do :) Bring on s9, bring it!

Nat x
You're so right! Bring on the subtext and give out little minds food for writing. We'll just elaborate a little...

Hee hee, good to hear you'll be updating soon Sara's Girl. Don't blame us for being so desperate, we're too deprived of good Candy fics!!
I agree. Your fic is so good and we need more Candy, did i mention your fic was good?

I also agree it's built on subtext. And we want more in season 9. I really am quite optimistic we'll get it. I think Wendy has had a crush on Cath since day one, and it's just grown and grown, and Wendy has grown on Cath too I think.

But Wendy has definately fallen more and more, and now can't stop asking about Cath, and where she is!
Hey everyone. I'm sort of new to this pairing.

I read through all the posts and I noticed everyone asking for a Wendy/Cath story, and I too have been reading Sara's Girl's story...waiting for an update on that. In the meantime, my plot bunnies decided to be rude to me, but benificial to you and I wrote a story for it. It's probably not great, seeing as I wrote it late one night whilst plagued with insomnia, but I hope you like it.

I really am beginning to dig this pairing, and I hope to see more of it in the next season.
