Cath/ Wendy Slash

Hi there, I'm glad the plot bunnies are plaguing you with Candy ideas. I just came on here to alert the girls that there was a new Candy fic up, but you did all the work for me LOL.

Hope to see more from you in the future, if you ever want a beta reader I'd be happy to :)
Hey, I was really shocked to see this thread back up there with new posts, and it's really made me happy, the more Candy shippers the better :) I wish I had an idea for a fic at the moment, my brain is just idea-dead... Oh well, the new season starts soon, and that's all good, quite a few of the season 8 eps I've heard Wendy asking for Cath, at least 4 occasions she's wanted to know where she was :D Lying down with dgos is another example.

And yay InnocentGuilt for coming in here and giving us Candy :) I'm off to read your fic now :)
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Rachel452, wow, I'm flattered that you would alert everyone here. That's nice. I would so love a beta, but I must warn you...I'm inconsistent. I'll write non-stop for one fandom for three months and then be dead for a while so it could be a bit until I have another Candy story.

bubbles, I hope you like the story. I was dead tired when I wrote it, so more than anything, I hope it makes sense lol.

I can't wait for the new season to start. I'm beyond excited about it. I want so much of Candy and it's soo perfect an entrance to their relationship.
Hry guys, I got Wendy added to the character list on so it'll be easier to search for fics now :)

I thought it was about time LOL
Awesome, that's totally cool that you've done that Rachel :). I was wondering when they'd get around to putting Wendy on there, now its done it's cool :) Yay, it was about time!!

InnocentGuilt, I like the idea of your story :) Candy stories are always much appreciated :D
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It's been quiet around here! So I take it that there haven't been any memorable moments in the new season between those lovely ladies yet?

Anyway, I've just watched You Kill Me and in the second case where Cath investigates Henry's murder she kind of hints at the evidence for Wendy. Just thought it was so cute that she helped out Wendy. And the way she rolled her eyes ...
Wow, I was nicely surprised to see this up on the top page again :) Has there been anything between the two in the season so far? I loved their moments in season 8. On at least 4 or 5 occasions Wendy specifically asked for Catherine, which she doens't tend to do if she's working on a case for someone else ;)
She did ask for Cath in Lying Down With Dogs, too.

Plus there was this conversation with Hodges :)rolleyes:) and they talked about how he had interrupted her date. Now, I'm not sure but I don't think they specifically said anything about whether it was a he or a she Wendy had that date with.

Wouldn't it be great if she had been out with Cath and Hodges had seen the two of them and now he was having fun with that bit of information?

And I really don't want to see any more Wendy/Hodges moments. That really creeps me out :shifty:
That would be great if they'd been on a date :) I think Hodges would be jealous rather than jokey though. It would have been great though. I think that Wendy is definately bisexual, and I think Cath is too, and Cath definately knows Wendy is, and could have known about her date with another woman, trying not to be jealous herself, you never know. That'd be good :)
Yay, thread is alive:)

ITA, bubbles. I think that Wendy and Cath are bisexual.

I hope in future we gonna see back some sweet Cath and Wendy interaction 'cause I really miss it. I remember that we talked about it and we wanted Catherine as a mentor for Wendy. But well, we see that writers don't want to make Wendy CSI this season, I think. Sad 'cause she won't be able to see Cath too often.
If Wendy did become a CSI, wouldn't Catherine be her "trainer" like Grissom was for Greg? That could bring some serious lol moments.
I'd love to see Wendy train as a CSI,I agree that she'd be like Grissom was to Greg- that led to lots of scenes between those two, and I'm sure it'd lead to some great Cath/Wendy scenes, and some great moments between them. I do't think it's going to happen now though. I've not seen then rnew season yet, but with Riley, and the new guy, they may want to keep her in the lab. Although technically they'd still be a CSI short.
Check out the Liz/Wendy thread in the CSI topic forum to see how to vote for more Wendy screen time! Which means more time for Candy!
Welcome to Talk_CSI Rachel452! Here in Shipper Central we ask for users to post at LEAST 3 lines of ON TOPIC discussion. Please read the board rules before continuing your stay in Shipper Central. Thank you. :)